Monday, January 15, 2018

2018 Bookish Resolutions/Goals

Top Ten Tuesday moves to That Artsy Reader Girl this week. This week's topic is Bookish Resolutions/Goals. I only have four bookish goals I plan to focus on this year.


My personal reading goal before becoming a book blogger was always 50 books a year so that's the number I set for my Goodreads goal each year. If I hit that goal at some point during the year, I'm good. It's great to read more than 50, but that's not something I set out to do.

2018 TBR Jar

I've already posted a list of the books I put into my 2018 TBR Jar. These are books that have been on my shelf for quite some time. Each month I plan to draw a title from the jar. There are 15 titles in the jar to allow for mood reading, and I would love to read at least 10 of them by the end of the year. I drew my January title over the weekend, and I'm so excited to pick it up this week.

Nonfiction/Children's Books

One great thing about blogging is I've been able to see patterns in my reading over the years. Despite my love of nonfiction, I don't read very much of it these days. The exception is when I'm in a reading slump. I tend to land on nonfiction when my regular reading comes to a halt. This year I'm going to try to plan for these slumps and purposefully read both nonfiction and children's books when I feel a slump in the works. I've been reading less and less children's books lately (outside of what I read with/to my kids), and this is not a trend I would like to see continue.

Short Stories

I want to do a much better job at tracking short stories this year. I will probably do a monthly wrap up that includes short stories. That may motivate me to read more of them, too. I have a lot of stories I'd like to make my way through this year.

That's it for me! Do you have any goals you really hope to accomplish this year?


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  1. I love the idea of the TBR jar! I'd try that myself, if I weren't so bad at sticking to reading goals :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. We'll see how it goes! I'm so bad at challenges, but these are books I really want to read so I'm going to give it go!

  2. Sounds like some great goals. I like your plan for helping with slumps.

    1. I'm anxious to see how it goes. I'm noticing a definite pattern.

  3. I'm hoping to have my favourite books on standby and switch to them if I feel a slump coming on. I can't repeat the three month on-off slump of last year.

    1. Last year was rough. I hope it helps for you to have a favorite on hand.

  4. I've seen others do the TBR jar thing and I think that's a great way to pick up and read some books that kind of get passed over. And it's smart to think of ways to get yourself out of the reading slumps that we all have. Sometimes, I reread an old favorite when that happens to me. I already know the ending, so I'm happy. Good luck!

    1. Reading an old favorite has helped me in the past, too. :)

  5. I hope to avoid slumps this year. I didn't have many MAJOR ones last year but several times I felt one coming on. I have so many short story collections I want to read but I need to do better at reviewing them and tracking them when I read them. I may set up something in my bullet journal. Good luck on all your goals.

    1. I have tried to bullet journal. The concept sounds like a great fit for me, but I haven't been able to keep it up. :( I'm hoping to do better at reviewing collections this year, but so far it's been a big fail. I'm off of work today due to the weather, and one of my goals is to catch up on a few reviews. *crosses fingers*

  6. I agree. That TBR jar is such a clever idea.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks for stopping by earlier.

    1. Thanks! The TBR jar is not originally my idea; I've seen people do it over the years. I'm hoping to have fun with trying it out!

  7. I love the idea of a TBR jar, although I think I'd fail miserably! I also want to read more short stories. You would think it'd be a no brainer, right? I mean they are SHORT. Ha ha, great goals:-)

    1. I know what you mean. It's not like we can't fit them in. :) That TBR pile is always looming, though! :)

  8. I really like nonfiction books so I do want to focus on reading more of them!


  9. I love the idea of a TBR jar. I am totally going to try it! Thanks.

  10. I love your TBR jar idea. I may have to steal it next year.

    1. Please do! I stole most of how I'm doing mine from a girl on YouTube (although I don't think she has an actual jar...)

  11. Great goals, Jen! I would like to read more short stories as well. I considered adding that, but think I'm overdoing it already. Good luck with your goals!

    1. Oddly enough, short stories can be a tough goal! Thanks!

  12. Good luck with your goals this year! They totally look achievable.

  13. I also like the idea of a TBR jar - I might go back and look at all the books I bought last year (and didn't read - whoops) and put them in a jar too. There will be progress in 2018. I am determined.
    Lynn :D

  14. Good luck with your goals! I want to try and read more non-fiction this year, too. :)

    1. Thanks, Lark! I hope you manage to pick up more nonfiction this year.

  15. Great list! I hope you get the chance to read some great children's books!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  16. I love the idea of a TBR jar, it's so random but if you put good stuff in there you can't go wrong, right? I've hardly read any non- fiction lately either, and would like to tackle more of that in 2018...

    1. Exactly! These are all books I hope to read this year. :)

  17. I originally always just set my Goodreads goal at 52, figuring 1 book a week is really good. I have had years where I read almost twice that, so started upping it, then feeling bad when I dont make it, so am going back to 52. More is wonderful, but 50/52? Thats still really good! And also, love the TBR jar!

  18. I love the idea of a TBR jar. I can be so indecisive when it comes to selecting what book to read next. Good luck with all of your goals!

  19. My daughter did a TBR jar one year and she loved it. It's a very fun way to get through your back list. Good luck with all these goals.

    1. I'm glad to hear she had success with it. Thanks!

  20. It is great you have a goal for short stories. They get forgotten so easily. Good luck with all of them!

    1. I haven't quite decided how I'm going to track them yet. I wish Goodreads had a better way to track individual stories. Thanks!

  21. I have not read many short stories. I think I overlook them because of them being short. I should give them a try. I'm doing the tbr jar also this year. Let me know how it works for you.

    1. I haven't read many shorts outside of the horror genre. I think the format works really, really well with horror. Good luck with your TBR! I hope it works for us this year.

  22. Oh my gosh, your TBR Jar is the best! What a great idea that was!!

    1. Thanks! The idea wasn't originally mine, but I'm hoping it will be a fun way to finally make it to some of the books I've been wanting to read. :)

  23. I really want to read 50 books this year. I don't know if I will. I like the idea of the TBR jar, but I'm such a mood reader that I don't know if I'd stick with it. Good luck with your goals!

    1. Good luck with your 50 books. Hopefully I will have some success with the jar. I'm a mood reader, too.

  24. TBR Jar is a wonderful idea! There are always a long list of books I want to read and then move on to newer ones. However this year I plan to read what I want and that includes many older titles.

    1. I did OK with reading older titles last year, and I'd love to read a lot more this year. I made sure to stick some of my top hopes in the jar.

  25. I haven’t read children book for years. I’m planning to make another blog for other genres. Thanks for sharing. I’m planning to make a post about this topic next week. ❤️😁

    1. I actually made a kid blog a few years ago but then I never had time to update it. :(

  26. These are wonderful resolutions. My GR goal last year was 50 and I had to reset it mid year :) I'm sure you'll surpass it too Jen! good luck! [I may have to steal your TBR jar idea! It's great!]


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