Saturday, December 30, 2017

GOODBYE 2017 | Recent Updates and Currently Reading

As amazing of a reading year 2017 turned out to be, I'm so glad to see it go. It was a really rough year, and there's something about a new year and a clean slate that I could really use right now.

I hope everyone has had a great holiday season. Other than my son coming down with the flu Christmas morning, we've been enjoying the season. Hubs and I have both had some much needed time off from work this week. Santa was very good to me this year, and I finally have proper bookcases. I've spent most of this week unboxing/moving/organizing books which is always a great way to pass the time. I'm hoping having easy access to my books will lead to reading more of the books I already own. #resolutions

Posted Last Week

Last week I posted my "Favorite Books of 2017" list.

Read Last Week

Despite it taking me more than half of the year to make my way through Marisha Pessl's Night Film, I loved it.

Into the Water is another book I've been attempting for a while. I decided to DNF at 55% because I'm still not hooked by it.

Current Distractions

Hubs and I began our holiday vacation the day before the kids were out of school so naturally we used that day to go see Star Wars. I absolutely loved it. I understand why some people are having a hard time loving it, but I'm not one of those people.

I finished watching Mindhunters this past week. It held my interest, but I don't feel like I got a full season from it.

I'm still making my way through Punisher. There's not a very strong plot pulling me back in. I'm also starting to dislike his character. I don't think he became an asshole after his family was killed - I think he was an asshole whose family was killed and now he has an excuse to punish people.

I've been watching a lot of Best of 2017 (and Worst of 2017) book videos on YouTube. Do you guys have any folks you follow regularly on YouTube? I only have a few, and I'd love some recommendations. YouTube has a tendency to recommend the popular personalities, and I'd like to go beyond those channels.

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading (or watching) this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. Night Film is such a chunkster of a read, but so worth it - as you found out! Organising new bookshelves sounds like a great way to pass some time as the year winds down and with some time off work. I hope you're having fun with that! I've been looking for some new YouTube recommendations of late, so I'll definitely be looking back here at the comments to see what names appear.

    I hope the new year provides the clean slate you're after!

    1. Book organizing has been the best thing. I hope I get some YouTube recommendations. I'll be sure to pass them along.

  2. Yay for bookcases! Glad you had a great holiday. I was wondering about Into the Water, I kinda skipped it because her first book didn't wow me.

    Glad you liked Star Wars. And Punisher- yeah I kinda fell away, it wasn't really working for me.

    Happy New Year!

    1. I enjoyed her first book. It was a pretty compulsive read for me. This one was quite the opposite, though.

      Happy New Year!

  3. I'm glad Santa was good to you this year :) I couldn't say I watch anything on Youtube, apart from those yoga videos I exercise with the help of! :D
    Have a wonderful New Year's tomorrow :)

    1. Yoga videos are great. :) I mostly use YouTube for craft videos, but I'm always hoping to find some booktubers to follow. Happy New Year to you!

  4. Too bad about Into the Water, that one looked interesting. And I enjoyed Star Wars too, even with all its issues. I thought it was fun, and I'm too much of a Star Wars fangirl to not enjoy it! Plus, my daughter had a good time watching it too, and that's all that matters :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I was really hoping Into the Water would hook me the way The Girl on the Train did, but it never happened.

      OMG, Mogsy. I weeped at Rey yielding that lightsaber. I'm so happy for your daughter. It makes me cry right now thinking about it. I bet she did love it. :) Our daycare follows the school district's calendar so it was all or nothing for us. I will probably have to make the hard sacrifice and go see it again with my older kids. ;)

  5. I don't follow anyone on YouTube...I like reading posts on blogs not watching them! Besides, if I tried to do that, I wouldn't be able to hear the TV which is always on. I'm taking ages to plough through each Game of Thrones book as they are so big but they are worth the effort! Have a good New Year, whatever you are doing!

    1. I completely understand. I like those kind of videos when I'm doing chores around the house or when I'm falling asleep and don't mind missing something. Happy New Year!

  6. I agree that 2017 has been a pretty rough year. Let's hope that 2018 is better!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  7. I'm with you...I like the idea of starting a clean slate with a new year. I hope it's a good one for you. Happy New Year!

  8. I haven't read any of the books you read this past week. I tried Paula Hawkins before and I couldn't get hooked.
    2017 was really rough for me. I am hoping to make 2018 one of the best years yet! Have a great week and Happy New years Eve!

    1. I'm sorry you had a rough year, too, Karen. Here's to an amazing 2018!! Happy New Year!

  9. Oh, bookcases! I want proper bookcases, too. One day. I hope you've got everything situated now. I don't follow anyone on Youtube. I hope your son is on the road to recovery. Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you - my son is doing much, much better. That Tamiflu is some amazing stuff!! Happy New Year!

  10. Sorry your son got sick on Christmas :-/ Yay for bookcases though! And it sounds like you've been enjoying your vacation time :-) Happy New Year, have a great 2018!

    1. Thanks. He was so sad about getting the flu for Christmas. :( I felt so bad for him. He bounced back quickly, though. :) Happy New Year!

  11. The flu is the worst! Poor guy. I hope he is feeling much better. We moved in July and I still do not have new book cases or shelves, just stacks and boxes of books. Glad you were finally able to organize your books. Happy New Year!!!

  12. I've been meaning to pick up Night Film for a while now! I'm glad that you loved it. :)

  13. Oh my gosh I feel the same way about Punisher. He is just an asshole with an excuse now! No way was he an upstanding, nice guy who just lost it. Hes an ass!
    Have a happy new year!!

    1. Yep. It's such a bummer, too. His character could have been so much better. Happy New Year!

  14. Yay to proper bookcases! Boo to your son being sick on Christmas. I hope he is recovered now. I ended up with strep throat the week before Christmas, wouldn't you know it. It's always something.

    Like you, I am glad to see 2017 go. It was a rough year, and I really hope 2018 will be better, although I have my doubts.

    I am seriously having doubts about even bothering with Into the Water after hearing so many people are having trouble with it. :-( I am glad you liked Night Film though!

    I hope you have a Happy New Year!

    1. Sorry you had strep throat. What a rotten time to get sick.

      I hope you do have a wonderful 2018. Happy New Year!

  15. I’m sad to hear Into The Water didn’t hook you.

    1. I had high expectations after being hooked by The Girl on the Train.

  16. People make videos about books on YouTube? Who knew? Who do you follow? Come see my week here. Happy New Year and happy reading!

    1. Yep. There is an entire booktube community. The majority is a younger crowd. It's tough to find the folks who read adult books.

  17. I love having bookcases in which to reorganize the books. Over the years, I've added a few...and then I even purged some of them a couple of years ago.

    Enjoy your reading...sorry you didn't love Into the Water. Have a Happy New Year!


    1. It has been tough after we moved into this house not having a proper place for all of the books. It has been a big relief (and a joy) being reunited with my books this way. Happy New Year!

  18. I will have a look at Night Film, lots of comments on that one so I guess I'll have to check it out.

    I did finish Into the water, but didn't care for it much.

    Happy reading this year and I hope 2018 will treat you well.

    1. Night Film is unlike anything I've read before. It's a large book and the story is just as big. Thank you! I hope you have a great year as well.

  19. I love YouTube Vloggers. I am the same as you, I put them on while cleaning or cooking or whatnot. I have been searching around too. I like Little Book Owl, I watch her. I also like Rose Keats. I usually search book hauls, I am addicted to watching those. And I also watch Zoella, even though she is a super popular vlogger, and not a book one. Lol. My toddler loves her for some reason. I would love to know who you watch!

    I loved Mindhunter but feel the same way. I needed more. My husband must have felt that way too, since the day after we finished the last episode he asked me if I wanted to watch the show. Lol. I did see there is a season 2 in the works.

    1. Thank you for the recommendations! I'm going to check those out tonight. I don't blame your husband. Haha. :)

  20. My reading and blogging has been terrible the past two weeks. Partly my birthday, Christmas and then family staying - I virtually did nothing and didn't visit anyone - feeling kind of sheepish but that's the holidays I suppose.
    Happy New Year to you
    Lynn :D

    1. I understand. I had trouble blogging most of 2017. Life can get crazy. Happy New Year!

  21. I hope 2018 will be a great year for you! I am sorry to hear 2017 wans't the best year for you, but at least it sounds like a good year reading wise. That's awesome you got new bookshelves for Christmas. I haven't watched the new star wars movie yet, but I am glad to hear you enjoyed it. Have a great week!


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