Sunday, October 1, 2017

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | October 1

Happy October!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. The weather finally cooled down a bit here yesterday. I was able to get some much needed gardening done. I'm trying to salvage some plants that didn't do too well in the hurricane. We put out a hummingbird feeder yesterday, and by evening we already had our first hummingbirds!

Today is my husband's birthday so I'm hoping we will get another beautiful day today.

Posted Last Week

Book Review | Sea of Rust by C. Robert Cargill
Book Review | The Trust by Ronald Balson

Read Last Week

I read The Witches with my one of my kiddos. I think it was actually my first Roald Dahl to read! I'm a little ashamed of that, but it's never too late, right? We enjoyed it. I think he liked it a little more than I did.

If you want to read my review of The Trust, you can find that here. It's the fourth book in the Liam and Catherine series, but it could definitely be read as a stand alone. It was actually my first Liam and Catherine book, and I don't think I was missing out on much.

Volume 4 of Saga was the weakest of the series so far for me. Each installment contains less and less of a full story. I will probably continue to pick them up from the library, though.

I loved The Night Cyclist by Stephen Graham Jones. I'll post a quick review of it later this week. If you love a good horror short story, you should check it out.

Current Distractions

I finished Defenders, and I started watching Riverdale. It's definitely different than the Archie I remember!

Did anyone watch the new Gerald's Game movie on Netflix? I was hoping to watch it this weekend, but it hasn't worked out yet. It's a lot easier to read horror than it is to watch it in my house.

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading (or watching) this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. It is never too late to start with Roald Dahl! Happy birthday to your husband.

  2. Haven't really read any of these, but I've heard great things about Saga :) but I've also heard it keeps getting weaker as it goes on, which is too bad! Anyway, have a great October :)

    1. Yeah, Saga has been getting weaker, but I'm still interested in it.

  3. I'm very curious about The Night Cyclist. I'll look forward to your review. I love hummingbirds, I've actually been thinking of planting a hummingbird/insect garden, but I have to do some research first😀

    1. I did a lot of research before buying our feeder. I'm really loving it. That would be neat to have a garden that attracts them.

  4. I hope you get a beautiful day for your hubbys bday.
    I've been watching Riverdale too and I never read the comics but I'm guessing they have little in common.

    1. It was another beautiful day, thank you. I don't remember much about the Archie comics - I mostly just remember the characters.

  5. I have not watched Gerald's Game yet but I plan on it soon! I remember that book freaking me out - that guy in the corner? Eek!

    Happy Birthday to your husband!

    1. Maybe next weekend will be a better weekend for Gerald's Game. We'll see! Thank you for the birthday wishes. :)

  6. I want to read The Night Cyclist. I'm pretty sure I have it on my kindle. Glad it cooked down for you. I wanted to watch Gerald's Game too but hubby said it looked boring. He works Friday evening so maybe then!

    1. I remember thinking the book was boring so your husband may just be on to something!

  7. I'll have to check out Gerald's Game - only seems right as it is time for some scary. Have a good reading week.

    1. I think it's worth checking out. Hopefully I'll get a chance next weekend.

  8. Aw, I love hummingbirds! I didn't put out my regular bird feeders this year because I think our poor yard needs some time to let the grass grow back after years of being savaged by visiting birds and other wildlife. But I do wish I'd left up the hummingbird feeders because I love it when those little guy come around. Oh well, next summer!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. The hummingbirds are so cute! You will have to put yours back out next summer. :)

  9. I like to think of all of October as Halloween, really. :)

    Saga's been a little underwhleming for me, after a pretty good start.

    Riverdale I like, and can't wait for S2!! Almost here...

    1. Oh, awesome. I didn't know there was about to be a season two of Riverdale as well.

  10. Happy birthday to your husband! I still need to watch Riverdale soon!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

    1. I'm enjoying Riverdale. Hopefully you can join me in watching it soon.

  11. I'm so jealous of your hummingbirds! I'd love to have them outside my window as I think they are beautiful! I have plans to catch up on some horror films this month, get some horror reviews done and hopefully get some horror books read!

    1. That sounds like a really great October. (Horror!)

  12. The Witches is one of my favourite Roald Dahl books! You are never too old to start reading his work. I'm glad your son liked it!

    Have a good week!

    My It's Monday! What Are You Reading? -

    1. Thank you! Hopefully he will agree to some more Dahl. :)

  13. I have tried some Raold Dahl but find his books have the sort of humor that I just don't enjoy. The Trust sounds good. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. There was a mix of humor in The Witches. Some of it - like when the narrator said the person reading the book could be a witch - was awesome. My son and I were giving each other some serious side eye. It made for a good read-aloud.

  14. Replies
    1. I hope you are enjoying it! I've had some complaints, but my husband liked it.

  15. I'm so glad your nugget enjoyed The Witches! That was one of my first Roald Dahl books too. Do you plan on picking up more?

    1. I will definitely pick up more if I can get him to read them with me. There is hope since he enjoyed The Witches.

  16. Replies
    1. It was such a great read. I'm kind of left craving another story just like it...

  17. THE TRUST was a great read for me.

    I always enjoy Mr. Balson's books. This was my first Liam book, and I had no trouble following.

    I read two other books of his: ONCE WE WERE BROTHERS and KAROLINA'S TWINS. Both were excellent.

    ENJOY your reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

    1. OK, I was thinking Once We Were Brothers was the first Liam book. I've heard good things about that one.

  18. Happy October! We are heating up DRASTICALLY here... Hello Summer. What even happened to Spring? The southern hemisphere is a mess.

    Yay for a Roald Dahl! I loved Matilda as a kid and SO many of his other stories. I hope you'll read more!

    Hope you're having a great week this week too!

  19. I'm trying to convince my kiddo he wants to read The Witches with me this month. I loved it when I was younger but haven't read it in years!


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