Saturday, September 23, 2017

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | September 23

This was not a typical reading week for me. My 8 year old was home sick from school for a couple of days, and I pretty much spent those days playing Nintendo with him and reading. So other than my son being sick, it was a pretty awesome week.

Posted Last Week

Book Review | Paperbacks from Hell by Grady Hendrix (with Will Errickson)

Read Last Week

The first book I read this week was the awesome Paperbacks from Hell. You can read my full review here. It's a nonfiction book about the history of the horror genre. It's a must read for horror fans.

I also read Joe Lansdale's Edge of Dark Water. It turned out to be even better than I was expecting.

Sing, Unburied, Sing turned out to be less than what I was expecting. I probably won't be posting a review for Sing, Unburied, Sing because I don't have much to say about it. The writing was beautiful, but it just wasn't a book I connected to. I'm surprised, and I feel like I must have read it wrong.

I won't be posting a review for Saga either. Maybe once the series ends, I'll post some thoughts. I'm still enjoying it, but I feel like I'm getting less of a complete story with each installment so my ratings keep declining.

The last book I read this week was an old horror novella from Algernon Blackwood called The Willows. I loved it. I will be reading everything Algernon Blackwood I can get my hands on.

Review Copies

Hide and Seek (Helen Grace #6) by M.J. Arlidge - Hide and Seek is the 6th book in the Helen Grace series. I don't typically read series book out of order, but this is another book I plan to dive into anyway because I have high interest in it. I'm not going to post a synopsis because it definitely spoils book 5 if you are planning to read the whole series.

Current Distractions

I had several folks ask me last week whether or not I enjoyed IT. I did! I was very nervous about how they would handle the movie only being a part one of two, but I love how they are handling it so far. IT was scary, and it was full of childhood shenanigans. I don't ask for much more than that.

I started watching Marvel's Defenders again this week. If you haven't seen the other Marvel shows, I wouldn't recommend Defenders. It is written for those who have seen all of the predecessors. I'm not enjoying the directing or the storytelling much, either.

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading (or watching) this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?, Tynga's Reviews' Stacking the Shelves, and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. I hope you're son gets better soon! You got some really interesting books this week! I really need to continue the saga series, I think I still need to read the third one. Have a great week and happy reading!

    1. Thanks, Lynn! I'm enjoying the Saga series. I just wish each installment was a little more standalone.

  2. Some good books you got here! Yesterday, I started watching Jane the Virgin and I am loving it so far :D I hope you son gets better soon. Happy reading!

    Here is my STS

    1. I've never seen Jane the Virgin. It sounds like it's working for you right off the bat. I love when that happens.

  3. Hope your son is feeling better and I'm so glad you liked IT. I'm currently reading Saga Vol. 7 in between things. I still love it but I think you have a point, when I look back, Vol. 3 and Vol.4 were probably weaker. I do think it picks up after that but as I'm reading, I'm kinda wondering when they are going to end it. I do think things can carry on too long.

    I'm going to have to check out Algernon Blackwood. If you liked the book, it's worth a look in my opinion. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thanks, Barb. It was nothing serious - he's good to go now. :) I have a hold on vol. 4 - I think I'm next in line.

      I loved The Willows. I'm going to try to read Blackwood's The Wendigo today if I can.

  4. When it comes to horror/thriller, Stephen King is the king. IT looks So scary but oh so good. I remember the time I was a horror junkie. His books were a must. Anyway, have a wonderful week and happy reading. :)

    1. King is definitely a must read! I haven't read all of his books, but I've read most of them.

  5. Sorry your kid was sick. When I was sick as a kid my mom used to just sit with me and read. Not out loud but just having her next to me was wonderful.

    1. Thank you, Jenny. He's all better now. I loved getting to spend that time with him. That's a lovely memory of your mom. <3

  6. Glad to hear you enjoyed It! I was one of those eagerly awaiting your verdict :)

    And it doesn't sound like I would enjoy the direction of Defenders either, glad I'm skipping it.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. :) It's very hard to talk about It without getting into spoilers. It's always best to go in as blind as you can. A lot was different, a lot was true to the book. I'm happy.

      I think I'm cursed to watch all of the Netflix Marvel shows. I've come so far I feel like I can't stop now...

  7. Hope your son is feeling better. That does sound like a good week other than, of course, the sick part.

    Saga's okay but I think it's a bit overhyped. After all the reviews I saw I guess I thought it would be like the greatest graphic novel ever, and at least for me, it wasn't.

    I was pretty underwhelmed with Defenders, all told.

    1. He's doing great, thanks! I'm loving Saga, but I'd be a lot happier if they just gave me the whole think in one huge chunk. Ugh, Defenders.

  8. I am sorry to hear that about Sing, Unburied, Sing. I read another of her books and struggled with it a bit, but thought it was beautifully written. I've been wanting to try something else by her. I still might. Maybe not this book.

    That's too bad about Defenders. I still need to watch Iron Fist. I haven't had much motivation to do so yet, I confess. One of these days.

    I hope your son is completely better now. Have a great week!

    1. This is the first book I've read from her. That's interesting that you had the same problem with a different book. She may just not be a good fit for me.

      Iron Fist is the only one I haven't seen. The reviews were so bad my husband just went ahead and watched them all without me. I think he was trying to spare me from it. :/ I feel compelled to watch Defenders, though, having seen all of Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage.

      My son is doing great. Thank you!

  9. LOL @ “I feel I must have read it wrong”; sometimes it’s like that. Especially if it’s a book (or film or TV show) everyone’s gushing about – same thing happened to me with The Notebook. The Saga cover caught my interest. What’s it about? Paperbacks from Hell sounds interesting. I tried watching the Defenders…and I’ll probably give it another go…but the reason you gave is probably why I struggled with it…of all, I’ve only seen a few episodes of Luke Cage. The Defenders definitely assume a familiarity with the characters.

    1. I really do feel like I should have loved Sing, Unburied, Sing. I wanted to!!

      Oh, wow... what the heck is Saga about? LOL. You have made me realize I have no idea where the series is heading.

      "When two soldiers from opposite sides of a never-ending galactic war fall in love, they risk everything to bring a fragile new life into a dangerous old universe."

      Saga pretty much follows their family as they run to and fro.

      I've seen all of the Marvel/Netflix shows except for Iron Fist, and I can really feel the missing backstory of Iron Fist and the Hand. I'm going to keep watching. I've made it this far. ;)

  10. I actually enjoyed The Defenders! Which was weird because I hadn't seen any of the previous shows. There were definitely parts that I was confused at because I didn't know the backstories...but I'm such a sucker for superhero stuff I enjoyed the show regardless ;)

    1. Maybe that's the key! I feel like all of the characters are crappy versions of themselves. I'm ready to put Foggy Nelson and Karen Page out of their misery. Maybe it helps to have no preconceived notions. Either way, I'm super happy you are enjoyed Defenders. :) You should give the individual shows a try, too.

  11. Hope your son is feeling better :) I have added Paperbacks from Hell to my TBR, I think it will make a pretty good read though I have yet to come across something good from the horror genre.

    I finished watching FRIENDS and I am having serious thoughts about re-watching it! I planned to watch Downtown Abbey next, but I don't know... ;)

    Anyways, here is my blog link if you would like to visit:

    1. My son is doing great, thanks. I totally get people not being into the horror genre, but I think it's a mostly misunderstood genre. It's a lot like romance - you can't actually contain it into one genre.

      I've been catching reruns of Friends lately when my kids leave the TV turned to Nickelodeon and nighttime rolls around.

  12. Aw, that's too bad that Saga keeps getting worse. I've heard a lot of good things about it when it just came out. The Willows sounds interesting :)
    Have a great week!

    1. I wish I had all of the Saga books in one big pile so I could just read through the whole story in one chunk. There's a lot to love. I just want a complete story each time I'm next in line at the library instead getting a chunk at a time. I'll keep reading them, though. The Willows was awesome.
      Thanks, Evelina!

  13. I prefer reading series books in order but sometimes I get sucked in by something deep in a series. I hope you enjoy that Mary Grace book. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. I have missed out on a lot of books because I always want to start at the beginning. The thing is, I never do. Or if I do... I don't make it to the end. I'm trying to be more relaxed about that. Some series are a lot more forgiving on picking it up mid series than others.

  14. I don't read scary books but admire those who do. (Stephen King says scary to me). Glad t hear though you love It. I know he's a great writer.

    1. Stephen King has definitely written some scary books - IT being one of them! He has written a lot of books in other genres, too, though. He's an amazing writer and not always scary. He's probably not for everyone, though.

  15. Oo good to hear that you thought IT was good. I really need to see it before it is out of theaters!

    The Willows sounds great!

    1. I would love for you to contribute to that smashing box office total and see it on the big screen, but I don't think IT is a movie that has to be seen in the theater. If you don't make it, don't stress about it. It will be fine on DVD.

  16. Replies
    1. I hope Paperbacks from Hell makes it into your hands one day soon.

  17. You had a great week.
    Interesting to see you liked IT - I'm all anxious about seeing it - it's one of these movies that I saw many years ago and part of me wonders if this one can top that experience - I will eventually watch it though, I know I won't be able to resist.
    Lynn :D

    1. It's so different from the mini series, Lynn. I don't think you'll even need to compare the two. I think they can both exist as they are.

  18. I've seen several people with Paperbacks from Hell on their list. I don't read horror novels, but a nonfiction book about the genre might be interesting. Girl Who Reads


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