Sunday, September 17, 2017

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | September 17

I had a bit of normalcy this week. The kids returned to school on Tuesday, and I was able to go back to work on Wednesday. It feels like we are starting the school year over again after being out for a few weeks.

I had another great reading week, and I'm trying to get back into the swing of things with a couple of reviews. I also have a review book to share!

Posted Last Week

Book Review | Final Girls by Riley Sager
Book Review | Ugly Little Things by Todd Keisling

Read Last Week

The first book I finished this week was Final Girls by Riley Sager. It did a great job of holding my interest. If you love psychological thrillers, you might want to check out Final Girls. {You can read my review here.}

I also read Ugly Little Things: Collected Horrors by Todd Keisling. It contains a novella I recommended earlier this year, and it's actually cheaper to buy the entire collection than to the individual novella. {Review}

Review Copies

The Trust (Liam and Catherine #4) by Ronald H. Balson - St. Martin's Press sent me the latest mystery from Ronald H. Balson. It's the fourth in the series, but it's got rave reviews at the moment so I'm going to check it out. "The newest novel from the author of Once We Were Brothers finds private investigator Liam Taggart returning to his childhood home for an uncle's funeral, only to discover his death might not have been natural." It sounds like it will work as a stand alone.

Current Distractions

I finally have a theater open (post-hurricane) so my mom and I are going to see IT today. I'm sooo excited.

If you've ever had to endure hours of reading Captain Underpants, the movie is super cute. And... that's as far as I'm going to take that recommendation. (My kids loved it.)

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading (or watching) this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?, Tynga's Reviews' Stacking the Shelves, and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. Glad things are getting back to normal and I can't wait to see what you think of IT. I need to grab that anthology. It's the perfect time of year for it. Hope you have as great and normal week!

  2. How was IT? I don't think I'll see it, the 90s movie plus the book has been quite enough for me for life, probably :D loved the book, but... it WAS pretty damn scary.
    Have a great week reading :)

  3. I need to check out your review for Final Girls because a friend of mine struggled to finish it but you liked it so I need to see your thoughts. :) I kind of want to see IT but not sure if I want to go to theater for it. Might wait till it's on DVD.

    Week in Review

    1. I definitely had problems with Final Girls, but they are the same problems I usually have with psychological thrillers. If you usually love them, I think it's a book worth trying. I think IT will work just fine on DVD.

  4. Final Girls looks great, and psychological thrillers seems to be the main thing I'm reading lately! The Trust doesn't look half bad either.

    Hope IT is good. That one is a no-go for me, I don't do clowns lol.

    1. If you are on a psychological thriller kick, Final Girls seems to be the book of the day.

      IT is definitely a no-go for you!

  5. Glad things are starting to return to normal post-hurricane. I can't wait to hear what you think of It! I know my husband will want to see this movie because he loved the book, while I'm a bit on the fence. And I just got Captain Underpants for my kids to watch the other day, and yes, they enjoyed it! I agree it's cute :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. IT is super scary. I'm loving how they are handling the book/movie so far.

  6. Enjoy It! And have a great week!

    1. Jenny, I think I saw you post a review for the movie, but I didn't want to read it until I had seen the movie, too. :) I can't wait to stop by and read it.

  7. I'll be buying It as soon as the dvd comes out!

    1. I think IT will work just as well on DVD. I enjoyed it, but I'm not sure I want to watch it again. Haha. At least not very often.

  8. I never could get through a Captain Underpants books but my students loved them (and I'm sure they still do.) Ah, It is a movie. Now I know why I'm seeing the book all over the blogs. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Yes, we are all a little IT crazy at the moment. :) Well, Captain Underpants and Professor Poopypants are good indicators of the maturity level in Captain Underpants.

  9. I've got Final Girls at home from the Book of the Month Club. I'm really interested to read The Trust as well. It sounds really good. I just discovered your blog and am enjoying it. Thanks for sharing all your great information about books. Bill @ Especially Books.

    1. Hi, Bill. Thanks! :) Book of the Month seems to pick a lot of popular books.

  10. I read nothing over the weekend and am so ashamed! I did see IT though and it was fantastic. I hope you enjoyed it too :)

    1. I had a great time watching IT. I'm loving how they are handling the timelines, too.

  11. My kids never really got into Captain Underpants. It was something they read at school but not something they ever really raved about. I doubt either of them is aware that there's a movie. Come see what I'm reading

    1. My middle kid loves all things Captain Underpants. All three of them enjoyed the movie.

  12. Glad to hear things are starting to return to normal! And that you got to see It! I have not had a chance yet, but everyone I know that has seen it, has loved it. Looking forward to your thoughts!

  13. Glad you loved Final Girls. I have been eying that. Ha my son loved Captain Underpants.

  14. Psychological thrillers are definitely appealing to me at the moment so I'll keep Final Girls in mind.
    Lynn :D


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