Saturday, August 26, 2017

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | August 26

Hi all! I hope the winding down of summertime has been great to you all. I don't have much reading to report this weekend, but I wanted to make sure I popped in to give an update since I have been terribly quiet over the last couple of weeks. Between work and caring for my grandfather, my brain has been incapable of reading/reviewing.

I live on the Texas coast, but it looks like my area will be mostly spared from the hurricane. All of the projection models had it looping to us after landfall. Now that Harvey is on land, though, it looks like it will stay west of us. My work is closed through Wednesday due to the severity of what was expected here, but we are likely to only get rain. I've been feeling so guilty about not even replying to comments last week; I'm going to devote some serious time to getting caught up around here while I'm off.

Posted Last Week

I did a Top Ten Tuesday post listing some of my favorite audiobooks.

Read Last Week

A Wrinkle in Time (Time Quintet #1) by Madeleine L'Engle: This is my third reading of A Wrinkle in Time. Several years ago I reread it for Banned Books Week. At the end of my review I said I was definitely going to read it again with my boys. Weeeellll, I can't get them to read it. I even tried bribery. Since I went through the trouble of getting it from the library, I decided I would just read it to myself again. *sigh*

Firelight (Amulet #7) by Kazu Kibuishi: When Firelight came out last year, I only had access to a Kindle version through my library. When I spotted a print copy on the shelf last week, I wanted to read it again in print.

Can I just say how happy I am that Goodreads can handle rereads now? It is really going to save my challenge in times of stress.

Review Copies

I'm going to lift my ban on review copies in September. I may post some thoughts next week on what I've learned during my hiatus.

Paperbacks from Hell: A History of Horror Fiction from the '70s and '80s by Grady Hendrix - Quirk Books sent me a copy of Paperbacks from Hell. It is a must read for me due to the content, but I have to say this book is absolutely gorgeous. It's "a tour through the horror paperback novels of the 1970s and ’80s", and it's beautiful. All of the pages are in full color, and it's filled with nothing but vintage horror goodness. "Page through dozens and dozens of amazing book covers featuring well-dressed skeletons, evil dolls, and knife-wielding killer crabs! Read shocking plot summaries that invoke devil worship, satanic children, and haunted real estate! Horror author and vintage paperback book collector Grady Hendrix offers killer commentary and witty insight on these trashy thrillers that tried so hard to be the next Exorcist or Rosemary’s Baby. It’s an affectionate, nostalgic, and unflinchingly funny celebration of the horror fiction boom of two iconic decades, complete with story summaries and artist and author profiles. You’ll find familiar authors, like V. C. Andrews and R. L. Stine, and many more who’ve faded into obscurity. Plus recommendations for which of these forgotten treasures are well worth your reading time and which should stay buried." I can't wait to take the tour.

Current Distractions

  • My kids are back to school and homework is in full swing. We are still trying to figure out our routines. I miss summer already.
  • What kind of torture is this? I finally got caught completely up on Game of Thrones last week, and the season finale is tomorrow?! My husband and I decided to start back over with season one. LOL.
  • Are you guys watching Ozark on Netflix? I'm almost through with season one, and I'm just not loving it like everyone else seems to be.
  • I also started watching Defenders. My hubs is a huge comic book guy, but they are all hit or miss with me. I'm a big fan of Jessica Jones and Daredevil so Defenders is working out for me so far.

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading (or watching) this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?, Tynga's Reviews' Stacking the Shelves, and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. A Wrinkle in Time is on my TBR! I've heard such good things about it, I don't know why I haven't picked it up yet! Happy reading!

    1. A Wrinkle in Time is such a great book. You will definitely want to give it a read before the movie comes out. :)

  2. I really need to read A Wrinkle in Time, at some point. It's the sort of book everyone expects me to have read, but nope!

    My STS.

    1. I have a few books like that so I understand how that happens. Hopefully someday you will get a chance to give it a read.

  3. Sorry to hear about your week. I hope everything will be better and you will get some free time to read. It's ok if you need to take a break, we're still here when you're back, Jen. Have a wonderful week. :)

    1. Thank you, Geybie! I can't help but stress about the blog while I'm neglecting it. I hope you have a wonderful week, too.

  4. I have never read a wrinkle in time but have heard how great it is. I hope you enjoy your break even though the circumstances a tent nice I hope everyone stays safe!

    1. A Wrinkle in Time was a defining book for me as a child. Thank you. The rain has been constant here, but my family is safe.

  5. Too bad the kids won't read A Wrinkle In Time with you. It's always a shame when you can pass on the love.
    I remember R.L. Stine. Those books freaked me out. Which is rare for me.
    I want to watch Defenders. I loved Jessica Jones.

    1. My kids are breaking my heart with A Wrinkle in Time. Speaking of RL Stine... they love Goosebumps. They are actually passing those on to me to read right now. :) I've read a few, and I'm surprised by how scary they are. I'm reading the "Ghost Camp" one right now.

      I loved Jessica Jones, too. I probably wouldn't be watching Defenders right now otherwise.

  6. Ooh lovely pile! Have fun rewatching GoT! Ooh I want to start with all the Marvel TVshows!! I am quite bored wih DC ones at the moment and I have only watched Agents of Shield. People didn't like it that much and I still liked it so with all the ravings and all, I have high hopes!
    New Bloglovin' follower here!
    ~ Priyanka @ My StS

    1. Hi, Priyanka. :) I watched a lot of Agents of Shield. I'm a huge Bill Paxton fan so that one season was really great for me. Unfortunately I stopped watching once Bill Paxton was off the show. I've seen all of the Marvel shows except for Iron Fist. My husband spared me on that one. You have a lot of good content waiting for you to watch!

  7. That Paperbacks from Hell book looks intriguing...although I'm also quite intrigued by the list of books that it apparently contains! I absolutely love horror novels, but never seem to read them anymore. - Katie

    1. I can't wait to go through the list of books in Paperbacks from Hell. Sorry you hear you don't read them much anymore. Maybe you will get the chance to pick one up soon.

  8. Glad you are spared the worst of the hurricane! I've been watching some of the reports and the flooding looks awful. And yay for Game of Thrones (although boo that tomorrow is the finale!) I thought Defenders was decent, I like Jessica Jones a lot, and I haven't watched Ozark but it didn't look THAT great?

    1. We are still dealing with this stupid hurricane. I wish it would pass us already. Ozark is hard to explain. There are things you don't see on TV much, but I'm not sure the storytelling is solid enough for me. I don't know. I'm on the fence about it.

  9. Replies
    1. It looks so good! I will definitely post a review on it once I've had a chance to give it a read.

  10. My daughter starts kindergarten next week and I'm already a feeling like a wreck emotionally! My schedule will take some adjusting too, I imagine. And yes, GoT is a shorter season this year which is a shame, but they're in the final stretch now and I hear they wanted to balance the final seasons so this and the next one are both 7 episodes I think? And I haven't been following the Marvel series on Netflix. I actually feel the same way about Jessica Jones as you feel about Ozark, it's okay but I'm just not getting the appeal. So yeah, that's why I've decided to pass on Defenders :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Oh, hugs, Mogsy! I bet she will do great! My two oldest really loved Kindergarten and getting to go to school. My youngest will start next year.

      I hear next season's episodes may be feature length. Fingers crossed!

      Gotcha. I wasn't a big fan of Luke Cage. (I only watched it because I liked Jessica Jones.) If I hadn't been a fan of Jessica Jones, I'd be skipping Defenders, too. It's holding my interest, though.

  11. Continued prayers to you and everyone in Texas. I watched the first episode of Ozark and liked it, but I have to get back to watching more to see how I like it. It's been getting rave reviews.
    Have a great week!

    1. Thank you! I'm ready for this storm to pass already. :(

  12. Same here, we just caught up and now it is ending! Darn you GoT!!

    Glad to hear you are safely out of the path of Harvey.

    And that book looks awesome - I am looking forward to some good scary stuff this fall. We did quit watching The Mist. I just couldn't do it anymore. And I was so disappointed in The Gunslinger! Idris Elba was amazing but the movie itself...just no. :(

    1. I'm so sorry The Mist didn't get any better! I've been wondering if I quit too early. I haven't see the Dark Tower movie yet. I will, but it will be on the small screen when I do.

  13. Whyyyyy do they not want to read The Wrinkle? Such a great book! Well at least you got to read it again :)
    Have a great reading week!

    1. Uuugh. My kids. Haha. Honestly? Probably because the cover is pink and they are boys. [insert eye roll here]

  14. I love Wrinkle in Time, but my sons weren't taken with it either. Odd.

    Stay safe in Harvey! We are trying to hunker down and stay dry.

    1. Boys. Yeesh. Deb, I hope you guys are still dry over there!! I'm ready for Harvey to move on!!

  15. OMG! I so want Paperbacks From Hell!! I don't read a lot of non-fiction but when I do it's types like that! :)

    Have a great week!

    1. I'm very excited about Paperbacks from Hell. I will definitely be posting a review soon. I have a feeling it will be a book worth grabbing.

  16. Paperbacks From Hell looks and sounds fabulous! Lucky you. I'd love to read it, being a huge horror fan myself. So happy Harvey didn't hit your area. They are now saying it will push off shore and come right back in again. I hope it stays away from you. Stay safe!

    My Sunday Post

    1. Harvey did push off shore and it will be coming at us as originally predicted. :( I think we will be fine through the storm, though. My kids' schools are closed for the week, and I'm waiting to see what my work is going to do after today.

  17. Hmm. I wonder if the boys will be more compelled to read it after the movie comes out? My brother used to be like that - he'd have nothing to do with a book, but after the film he'd give it a go for "the deleted scenes".

    1. Hi, Amber. I tried bribing them with the movie... I thought it would be great fun to read the book, and then go see it at the theater. They aren't interested! I showed them the trailer... nothing! Haha. At least they have their own opinions and interests, I suppose.

  18. I'm so glad to hear you were spared the brunt of the hurricane. All of that flooding is just terrifying to see.

    A Wrinkle in Time is such a great book. I bought a new copy this year in hopes of reading it with my son as well. We'll see how it goes. Might be a tough sell since it's not a video game, haha. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Good luck! I hope your son has more sense than mine do. Haha. Yeah... if it was Minecraft mine would be all over it. :)

  19. Glad to hear you aren't in the storms direct path. I've been watching the news and hate seeing all the devastation. I can't imagine what everyone down there is going through. I hope your Grandpa is doing okay. It can be quite tiring helping them out but so worth it. I have been planning on ordering Paperbacks from Hell and am definitely going to do so after hearing how much you like it. Have a great week!

    1. This stupid storm went back out into the Gulf so we are still in its path. I think we will weather the storm OK, though. So far we have had tons of rain, and we are handling the water on my property OK. My grandpa is doing OK. He is just needing more care now than he had before.

      I've only skimmed through Paperbacks from Hell so far, but I am really looking forward to spending real time with it.

  20. So glad you are out of the danger zone, Jen. The footage out of Houston and the surrounding areas is so awful. I'm loving the fact that GR is now recognizing rereads, too! That's been a long time coming. (Now if they would just allow half-stars but that's a whole other conversation.) The GoT season finale... gah! At one point (and you can probably guess when) my husband jumped up from his chair and was like, WHAT?! All I can say is, well played, Sansa, The wait for next season is going to drive everyone insane. I like your idea of starting from the beginning again! Hope you are able to enjoy the few days off!

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    1. Hi, Tanya. I'm looking forward to the storm finally passing. YES - Goodreads could really use some half stars. I round everything up so I guess Goodreads is doing a good job of making me look nicer than I am. :) THAT MOMENT on Game of Thrones! Finally! Yes! I'm excited what that means for sisters Stark.

  21. The history of horror looks interesting. Glad you aren't or weren't in a direct path. My heart breaks at the imagery I am seeing on the news. Hope this week is a good one and that things ease up for you soon.

    1. Thank you! So far we are weathering out the storm OK. I just wish Harvey would get back out of the Gulf and get on with it. Or just disappear....

  22. Hi,
    A Wrinkle in Time is on my TBR list. I've been watching Quanico on Netflex, love the show. Have a great day!

    1. Hi, Sherrie. :) Ooh, I've never hear of Quanico. I will look that up. I love getting recommendations.

  23. I have read every book Madeleine L'Engle has written including her nonfiction. Wrinkle in Time was great. Have you tried your kids on the Graphic Novel version? It is really true to the original. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. I wish I could say the same, Kathy. I have NO idea why I haven't read the rest of the Wrinkle in Time books or her other series. I have no excuse at all. I have the graphic novel on hold at the library. We'll see if they are into it. If not, I really got that one for me... Haha.

  24. I hope you and your family continue to be safe from the storm. I meant to watch Ozark but forgot all about it. Maybe now Orphan Black & GoT have ended, I'll give it a watch. We're working our way through Big Little Lies right now. It's full of secrets and I love me some secrets :) Stay safe.

    1. Thank you! I'm a bit on the fence with Ozark. I seem to be the only one, though. Everyone seems to love it so I have no problem recommending it. I forgot all about Big Little Lies. I wonder if I should read it first? Would that actually spoil it though? Hmm...

    2. It might. I like going in to it knowing next to nothing but now I'm spoiling the book for myself. It's a no-win situation, I think.

  25. Hope you continue to escape the ravages of the hurricane. Nature can be a wrecking havoc. I read the earlier Amulet books but not the more recent ones.

    1. Thank you. We are still in the path, but I think we will weather it OK.

  26. I love the Amulet series. All my books are in storage right now. Come see what I'm reading.

  27. Such a busy time. Wrinkle in time does sound good. And, I've just literally watched all Game of Thrones - all six series in the past few weeks and just finishing up series 7 now. I'm going to miss it. It's kept me very entertained over the past couple of months.
    Lynn :D

    1. I really miss Game of Thrones having done a similar binge! :( I rewatched a lot of season one before the storm hit. I imagine we will binge them again before season 8.

  28. It must be a relief that the storm has passed you by...don't feel guilty about that! I hate storms so I like our mild climate. Love Game of Thrones so much! I've been obsessed with it and pass the time by constantly blogging about it!

    1. Weeelll, we didn't get as lucky as I thought we would. I kind of jumped the gun in saying we'd be saved. :( We made out OK, though. We got flooded in for quite a few days, but the house stayed dry. We did better than most.

  29. Sounds like you had a busy few weeks with work and caring for your grandfather. I hope you didn't get hit by Harvey, it sounds like it caused a lot of damage. I haven't made use of the re-read function on Goodreads yet, but I do think it's neat they have that option now. I hope you'll have a great week!

    1. We did get hit, but we are OK. We even managed to get my grandfather into a better home during the aftermath. He still doesn't have running water since the storm, but he's safe and he's happy.

  30. A Wrinkle In Time is a deserving classic, to be sure.
    My wife and I are on the final season of Parks and Recreation, but really we're just biding our time until season two of Stranger Things hits Netflix.

    1. Yeess, oh my goodness. When does Stranger Things 2 happen? October? That's going to be awesome.


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