Saturday, July 22, 2017

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | July 22

I've decided I'm no longer going to accept review copies or any requests for guest posts or giveaways. This may be a permanent change. I try hard to accept very few review books, and I think the time has come to say no to all of them. The frustrations that come along with blogging have been seeping into my reviews and my enjoyment of posting.

All I want to do here is recommend great books, get great recommendations, and get to know other readers. I'm looking forward to focusing all of my blogging time on that. 💗

Posted Last Week

Quick Reviews | Every Dead Thing and Gwendy's Button Box

Read Last Week

After hearing of George Romero's passing, I decided to spend a couple of days reading my copy of Dawn of the Dead. It had been a while since I'd experienced slow zombies. It was actually jarring to me which was a huge surprise because I have always had a love and a preference for the Romero zombies. I need to spend more time revisiting Romero's world.

I also read Entertaining Demons. I may do a quick review for that one soon. It turned out to be more about the demons and less about the paranormal activity.

Review Copies

This NetGalley request happened before my decision to go on a review copy hiatus. I told a couple of you last weekend I was trying to hold off on getting a copy of Artemis. Yeah, that lasted until Monday morning. 😂

Artemis by Andy Weir - I actually have no idea what this book is about! I'm not going to look either. All I can say about this book to you is that it is written by Andy Weir. That's pretty much all that's necessary if you ask me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Current Distractions

  • The Exorcist is officially the scariest thing I have ever seen on TV. I'm only a handful of episodes into season 1, and it's terrifying.
  • I have now finished season 2 of Game of Thrones so I'm still making my way through. Everyone I have ever known and loved is dead and burned. OK, not really, but folks are not lying about the death in this show.
  • All of this TV watching does nothing for my reading progress, but it is great for crafting. I made a ton of progress on the blanket I'm crocheting for my mom. If I keep up this pace, I may have it done by her birthday in August even though I was planning it for Christmas.
So what about you? Let me know what you're reading (or watching) this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?, Tynga's Reviews' Stacking the Shelves, and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. LOL. I try to get off the netgalley and then they have a book that I must have. You got some great books. Awesome haul of books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. Ooh what an intriguing selection of books! :-) Enjoy!

  3. I haven't read a book by Andy Weir yet (SORRY xD) but I do like the look of that book you got by him. Totally judging the book by the cover. :P

    1. I should have said Andy Weir wrote The Martian. :) I'm a cover judger, too. Haha.

  4. I actually love starting a book with no idea what its about. Doesnt happen near as often any more.

    1. Yep! If I can, I will completely avoid descriptions. I'm so happy I don't know what this is about.

  5. Ha. If I thought there was even a slight chance I could get approved for Artemis, I'd be requesting it, and I don't know what it's about either, but Andy Weir! I look forward to hearing your thoughts. - Katie

    Here's my STS:

    1. This is coming from someone who very rarely requests anything, but if you want a review copy, there's no harm in requesting!

  6. Artemis was an auto request for me too, I just slammed on that request button with very little idea what it's about either. All bans I've placed on myself for NetGalley pretty much just went out the window :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  7. I watched The Exorcist when it aired last season. It's a great show, but, yes, terrifying. Your books look really interesting. Enjoy them! Have a great week!

    1. I'm really surprised at frightening it is. It's going to take me a while to make it through the whole season...

  8. Ahh! I didn't Andy Weir was coming out with another book. I must go see if I can request it!

    Danica @ Shelves of Spines
    My STS

  9. I also feel like I'd rather choose my own review copies (I mean, NetGalley) than accept the ones I get offered through email. Easier that way.
    That's so awesome you got Artemis though! I was denied for that xD Andy Weir, right? I don't care what it's about xD
    Have a great reading week :)

    1. I'm thinking I'd rather just read my own books... I'm really tired of all of the behind the scenes stuff, too. I don't want to spend any more time arguing my policies.

      Oh, no. :( I can't believe you were denied. They were not thinking clearly.

  10. Enjoy your week and your new shelf addition.

    Jenea's Book Obsession

  11. I need to check out that Artemis book on NetGalley soon!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

    1. Sorry I couldn't provide more detail about it! :)

  12. So sad about Romero's passing. I wonder what will happen to the series he was working on for TV? I bet Artemis will get lots of great reviews. I personally still need to read The Martian.

    1. It is sad. :'( I don't know anything about his series. Maybe it can still move forward. :(

      I read The Martian early, and I was blown away by the amount of science and humor. I thought it was great.

  13. I hope that change works for ya. That's kinda what I do, I don't request ARC's and while I do get aRC envy occasionaly lol I also have like no pressure that way, which is nice. I do think Artemis looks good though. :)

    Lol about Game of Thrones!

    1. I very rarely request ARCS in any form. I usually download auto-approved titles or I'm saying yes to someone. I need to go even less pressure, though, and frankly... I need to quit hearing from people in my inbox.

  14. Same here. I've decided to not accept ARCs, just one or two over the last two months. The reason is I didn't enjoy almost ALL the ARCs I read. It took away the enjoyment in blogging from me. So frustrating. I find that I enjoy blogging more when I can read whatever I want and have the freedom to choose the books myself. Blogging should be fun.

    Enjoy your books and happy reading. :-)

    1. Yeeeess, Geybie. It makes it even worse when I feel obligated to finish them and/or write reviews. Blogging is definitely more enjoyable without the pressure.

  15. I read a lot of review books from NetGalley, Edelweiss, and a couple of publishers who sent me print books. Most of the time I enjoy them. The only downside is my ever-expanding TBR mountain since I still buy books but have trouble finding time to read them. Come see my week here. Have a great week!

    1. That's great that you are able to enjoy most of them! I'm a terrible mood reader to begin with. ARCs and I really aren't made for each other.

  16. Okay of course! Andy Weir The Martian author, can see why you got it without looking at what it is about. I didn't realise he has another on the way out, will wait to hear others talking about it.

    1. Yes! Andy Weir of The Martian fame. :) I will definitely let you know what I think.

  17. You do what you gotta do! If the review copies were stressing you, no one will blame you for giving them up :-) Have a great week!

    1. I feel like if I cut out requests of any kind, I will cut out a lot of the things I just don't enjoy about blogging. It's much more than the review copies - it's a lot of the behind the scenes stuff I've put up with for too long.

  18. I hear you. I am currently stuck in Netgalley purgatory. It's my own fault. I have no willpower and I'm also a mood reader so being "forced" to read books on a schedule never works for me.

    The Exorcist tv show was surprisingly terrifying! I can't wait until it returns.

    1. Being a mood reader is a huge problem for me when it comes to review copies.

  19. yup I know what you mean Jen. I also had to stop accepting review copies. I even say often on my blog that I'm a "book recommender" not a book reviewer :)

    The Exorcist is SO GOOD! and yes super scary and I do read and watch LOTSA horror books and movies! Can't wait for S2!! I'm a die hard fan of GoT hope you like it as much as I do :)

    1. Book recommender! I like that!! That label probably wouldn't work for me since sometimes I'm the asshole that unrecommends books. O_O But I hate hating on review copies, too. It's just easier all around if I'm doing my own thing here.

      Yeah, I'm thinking The Exorcist is scary no matter who you are!! I'm pretty blown away by it.

  20. We've been watching a lot of anime and My Cat from Hell. Stage one of the move is complete. We're out of our house and now we're trying to get it ready to put on the market. Come see what I'm reading.

    1. I watched a marathon of My Cat from Hell one weekend. I was so hooked. That show should really be called My Owner from Hell, though...

  21. I am doing a zombiethon for October and I will have to add Dawn Of the Dead. I didn't realize it was a book. Shame on me. You were very lucky to get Artemis. I guess a lot of people were denied. I hope you are having a wonderful wonderful week. :)

    1. I'm surprised that a lot of folks are getting denied for Artemis. :( I always assume if I have a copy everyone must have a copy. Thanks so much! I hope you are having a wonderful week, too!

  22. I'm also cutting back on review requests - but Artemis, come on, it would have been plain rude not to request a copy.
    Lynn :D

    1. LOL. Right? I mean... I couldn't be rude now, could I? :)

  23. Ow I love GOT!! There are definitely a lot of deaths in that series! LOL!
    I totally get your decision to stop accepting review copies. Sometimes it's hard to keep up.
    Happy reading!

    1. Everyone tells you not to get attached to anyone in Game of Thrones, but really. You can't prepare yourself for that show.


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