Sunday, June 11, 2017

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | June 11

Thank you guys so much for the board game recommendations last week! I've been spending my weekend making my way through them and researching new games. I will be sure to let you know what games are working for us.

Posted Last Week

Book Review | The Cutaway by Christina Kovac
June 2017 New Horror Releases | Horror Spotlight

Read Last Week

The only book I successfully read last week was In the Valley of the Sun. It's the kind of book that induces a major book hangover so I'm floundering around in a few other books for now.

Current Distractions

Thanks to my total book hangover, I spent my Friday night catching all the way up on Orphan Black. I am definitely not going to wait before watching season 5. I normally wait until the whole season is out, but not this time. Since this is the last season, I will be keeping up until the end!

Board Games! Many of you mentioned loving Monopoly. My 8 year old had a sick day this past week, and that's exactly what he wanted to play. This one is Pokemon Monopoly.

A few weeks ago when I was at Comicpalooza, I picked up a game called Squaremino. We have been playing that one a lot the last few weeks. It's a lot like Qwirkle which we also own but never really understood how to play. We've got it down now so we've been playing both games this week. They are both really fun.

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading (or playing) this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?, Tynga's Reviews' Stacking the Shelves, and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. Orphan Black rules. I watched the S5 premiere last night and it was awesome. Clone club!

    Love Monopoly! I bet the Pokemon version is fun. :)

    1. I'm so nervous this season! I love it, though.

      We have 7 or 8 different versions of Monopoly. (Really - that's just too many. They are all so cute, though...) He's super into Pokemon right now so he loves it!

  2. We enjoy Orphan Black and I will be sad when it ends. Hope you have a lovely week!

  3. Oof, I hate those types of book hangovers where after an awesome read, nothing else seems to be able hold your does make me even more excited for In the Valley of the Sun though!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Such a conflicting feeling, too. You are on a high, but bummed at the same time. :) I can't wait for you to read it. I'm going to try my best to finish up a review this week!!

  4. I just bought Boxer Monopoly as a Christmas gift for Mr. Barb from the pups (yep, I'm one of those annoying people who do my shopping early - or at least plan to do it early). Glad you guys are having fun. I really need to get a copy of In the Valley of the Sun. Maybe my library will get it in. I watched the first Season 5 episode of Orphan Black yesterday. I'm going to miss that show so much!

    1. Boxer Monopoly! I bet that is adorable!! We have Dogopoly (but we haven't played it yet). I try to pick things up for the kids throughout the year if I see something cool for cheap. :) Other than that, I'm bad about waiting on the Christmas shopping.

      I hope you are able to get a copy of Valley.

      I hate thinking about Orphan ending. I've been so wrapped up in it lately. :(

  5. The last Monopoly game played in our house did no go well. It is no longer an approved game. We do have a Monopoly card game though and it is quite fun.

    1. Haha. I remember an intense game or two of Monopoly growing up. A Monopoly card game sounds easier and SHORTER which is probably very nice.


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