Saturday, February 18, 2017

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | February 18

I had another light reading week last week. Are you guys able to read through anxiety? I really hate that my favorite escape fails me when I need it most. I am incapable of following the simplest of stories when my mind is like that. Any tips?

On the flip side, I only have one episode left of Longmire. I'm about to have the worst Netflix hangover! HELP! What are some of your favorite Netflix shows?

Posted Last Week

Combined review post for:
  • Loch Ness Revenge by Hunter Shea
  • The Great God Pan by Arthur Machen
  • Six Wakes by Mur Lafferty

Book Review | The Hatching by Ezekiel Boone

Books Read Last Week

Behind Her Eyes by Sarah Pinborough

Review Copies

Skitter (The Hatching #2) by Ezekiel Boone - After posting my review of The Hatching last week, I decided to see if there was a copy of Skitter available for download on Edelweiss. Lucky me! If you aren't familiar with this series, it revolves around killer spiders! 🕷️🕷️🕷️

What about you? What are you reading this week? Be sure to let me know in the comments or leave me a link!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?, Tynga's Reviews' Stacking the Shelves, and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. Your books are from a different genre than I read. I hope you love all of them.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. Ugh! Sorry about your anxiety. I can't read if I'm nauseated. I just have to watch tv. Reading about giant killer spiders would have my anxiety going nuts!!!

    1. Thanks. TV is pretty much what I'm doing instead of reading. Haha, right? I'm going to wait before reading Skitter. :)

  3. I tend to resort to picture books - eye candy coffee table kind or magazines when in a reading slump. Or try short stories.

    1. Oh, yeah. I could try some kid lit! That's wonderful. I've been trying short stories all week, but that hasn't been working. Thanks!

  4. Enjoy your new books. I love Netflix currently 're watching Vampire Diaries.

    Megan @reading away the days

    1. I've never seen Vampire Diaries. I remember thinking I was going to read that someday and never did.

  5. Both of your new books are new to me! Are they horror? Horror is the only genre of fiction that I absolutely won't read - I can't handle it! *hides* I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a lovely weekend, Jennifer. =)

    Check out my STS post!

    1. No, actually Behind Her Eyes is a psychological thriller. If you like that sort of book, you should check it out!

  6. Spiders- uh uh. Hate 'em. Behind Her Eyes though sounds interesting- I keep seeing reviews and just read a spoilery one, and sounds like the ending lives up to the WTF hashtag lol.

    I am terrible with Netflix recs right now. I'm sorta caught up on everything, other than the Magicians which is just okay. Have you watched MArcella or Doctor Foster? Pretty good. I'm thinking of trying Colony... I do need to watch Longmire.

    1. You read a spoilery review?! Uuuuggghhh. I hope it was clearly marked and you were curious. It takes a special kind of asshole to spoil that one.

      Nope, I haven't seen those! I will look into them. I accidentally got hooked on Santa Clarita Diet last night. Haha.

  7. When I'm feeling anxious but find that I can't read, I usually fall back onto audiobook listening. It doesn't take as much concentration just to listen, and I find it relaxing enough that sometimes I can fall asleep to it (and have to remember to set up the sleep timer on my player).

    BTW, I just finished And the Devil Crept In thanks to your review from a couple weeks back, wow what a creepy book! LOVED it.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. You know what? I could listen to an audiobook of something I've already read. It would be relaxing and totally OK if I zoned out.

      YAY!!! I'm so glad you read Devil and loved it! That makes me so happy.

  8. I hope you enjoy your books. I haven't heard of them. I see you are reading Every Dead Thing by John Connolly. I loved that book!

    ~Jen @ Books That Hook

    1. I'm sort of reading it. I don't know what's going on with that one. I'm enjoying it, but it keeps getting put aside for other things. I'm thinking it's just the mood I've been in and not the book.

    2. I can see how you would have to be in the right mood for that book. It's dark and the main character is kind of depressing, rightfully so after what he witnesses. He doesn't get any better in any of the other books I have read in the series.

  9. Glad you got tour hands on Skitter. I actually got hooked on Parenthood and am on season 5. Luke Cage was really enjoyable and I want to check out the new Drew Barrymore series where she is a zombie, even if it is a comedy.

    1. The Drew Barrymore show is exactly what I started watching after Longmire! It was hilarious. I spend through the whole season.

  10. I’m completely useless when I’m anxious. I can’t focus on anything. I hope you feel better soon so you can enjoy your books.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  11. Have you tried putting on headphones and listening to a book from your favorite genre? When I am like that I struggle to read too, but have found I can listen and not only that, but it soothes me and slows down my racing thoughts.

    1. I have. I'm not having much luck with audiobooks, but I am enjoying podcasts this week. I'm going to keep trying the audios, though, until one works for me.

  12. Sorry to hear about your anxiety at the moment... When I'm having a particularly bad bout I tend to not read either. My mind just can't focus. However, something I do find that often helps is reading short stories.

    I hope you feel better soon, and are able to get back into your favourite hobby.

  13. These are all new to me. They sound good. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  14. I can't read when I am anxious either - I just can't concentrate! I will sometimes seek out the books that I have read over and over, like the Little House books when I am anxious, since it doesn't matter if I read them closely or not. :) Usually though I watch tv when I am anxious. And Longmire!!!! OMG we just finished all the seasons about a month ago and were feeling the same as you. I still miss Longmire, and can't wait for it to come back on. Love that show!!! We haven't found an adequate replacement yet, although we have been watching The Path on Hulu, and we are going to try Sherlock.

    1. I miss Longmire! :( I did get a lot of cleaning and my taxes done this week, though. Haha. I need to see if I watched all of the Sherlock episodes that are available.

  15. I absolutely cannot read when suffering a bout of anxiety. This is probably part of my problem this month (and nearly every month!). I practice yoga and drink a special yogi tea for anxiety which helps but it's not 100%. I hope things calm down for you.

    1. Yoga! That's a great idea. I have been trying to get out and walk and spend some time on the treadmill. It helps. I'm not a big tea drinker, but that does sound soothing.

  16. I can't really read too much in the grip of anxiety either. I find a jigsaw helps and quilting!! In answer to your question to me, I did do a quilt as you go and added the back last as done by Wendy at For this one it uses strips of binding and I am finding it really nifty! You can see all Leah Day's tutorials here - a video will show you how its done.

    1. A jigsaw is a great idea. I love to cross stitch, too. I find they are similar for me. Thank you for the links! Those are great tutorials!

  17. Oh man, I have no tips about reading through anxiety because I suffer through it myself. Sometimes I can power through and force it to the back of my mind but more often than not I end up napping frequently or watching Friends. Sometimes re-reads help but if you're like me, I'm always worried about blog content so re-reads aren't always the best. lol

    1. I tried to force through this week, and I picked a book I didn't care for. :/ I should probably do a reread, but yes, I start thinking about what doesn't get read instead... *sigh*


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