Saturday, February 4, 2017

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | February 4

My pace definitely slowed down this week. It was bound to happen. Things are crazy at work right now. By the time I get home my brain is mush. I did watch a lot of Longmire this week. I'm going to have a major Netflix hangover when it's over.

You know what else I've been watching? Sneaky Pete! Have you seen any of it? It's on Amazon Prime, and I love it.

But I should probably get to the books.

Posted Last Week

Last week I posted my January in Review. It was probably the best reading month I've had. I was in a zone so I just tried to ride it out as long as I could.

I also posted the Upcoming February 2017 Book Releases in Fantasy, Horror, and Science Fiction. These are the genre books I'm most excited about picking up in February.

It's Women in Horror Month! I posted some Women in Horror Month: Resources! to help you find some amazing women horror writers to read this month.

Books Read Last Week

The Final Reconciliation by Todd Keisling

The Final Reconciliation is apparently the only book I finished last week. It was a really great book, though. I'll have a review out for that one this week. I highly recommend it.

What about you? What are you reading this week? Be sure to let me know in the comments or leave me a link!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. I don't have Amazon Prime and I really wanted to watch Sneaky Pete. Oh well. I hope you enjoy it. Sorry about the hectic week.

  2. Oh I was wondering about Sneaky Pete. It had a great castso I'll have to check it out. Have a great week!

  3. I keep thinking to get Amazon Prime but I already pay for On Demand and Netflix. Get lots of movies and shows on them. But there's a lot more to Prime than just films! We'll see.

    My Sunday Post

    1. I got Amazon Prime when I ordered some big items...and the free shipping, in addition to the movies, shows, etc., have made up the cost of it.

  4. I love Longmire and I'm wishing for a new season.

    I have Sneaky Pete on my Amazon Prime Watchlist...maybe today? I watched Z: The Beginning of Everything.


  5. Women in Horror- cool! Didn't know that. Longmire is on my list of shows to binge at some point, I've only seen the first one.

  6. The cover of The Final Reconciliation is awesome! I have Amazon Prime but other than The Grand Tour I haven't watched a single thing on there. It seems like everything I want to watch is on netflix. Have a great week!

  7. I'm loving Netflix right now. I've gotten into show after show after show. I've never heard of Longmire or Sneaky Pete but I'm going to add it to my list so I have something to look forward to. I'm reading a little bit too. Haha!

  8. When my brain is mush and tired it is viewing that takes precedence too. Good to hear your book read was good - that's what coutns.

  9. It's hard to get in good reading when work is crazy. I hope this week is a bit quieter for you!

  10. I have Amazon Prime but haven't gotten into watching things. I just use it for the fast shipping. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  11. We had a Longmire watchathon a couple of months ago - major Netflix hangover! Enjoy, sounds like just what you need when work is demanding.
    Have a lovely week,
    Amanda @ Mrs B's Book Reviews

  12. I don't watch TV but rarely although I've been watching a ton of Friends this past week. I've never watched it before! It's been so fun though.

    Really love all your horror posts. :) You're one of the only other bloggers I know that enjoy the genre!


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