Thursday, January 12, 2017

January 2017 New Horror Releases | Horror Spotlight

Welcome to the first horror spotlight post of 2017. These are the horror novels I was able to find that are releasing in January 2017. The book cover image will take to the appropriate page on Goodreads.  If you know of any that I didn't include, let me know so I can add them to the list!

Are any of these books on your TBR pile? I've already tackled Little Heaven, but I'm hoping to read The Dead Seekers, The Last Harvest, and Fever Dream before the month is out.


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  1. Thanks for this helpful list! I think you named everything I knew of, and I learned about a bunch of new titles besides!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  2. Fever Dream sounds like a trip... I might have to pick that one up.

  3. I'm almost done with "Little Heaven" which seems to be the story of my life this week - ALMOST DONE. I'm really interested in The Dead Seekers and The Last Harvest.

  4. Well the covers are creepy and the ones I looked up have vague enough synopses to intrigue me.

  5. Blood children is kinda messed up loll but I like the covr of Under A Watchful Eye!


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