Sunday, January 1, 2017

First Book of the Year 2017

Happy New Year!!

Sheila over at Book Journey is once again hosting the "First Book of the Year" event. Ever since I started blogging, that first book of each year has become more and more important to me. I love that this event brings together everyone's selection for that first book.

My first book of 2017 is Little Heaven by Nick Cutter.

I'm apparently going to eat that entire box of donuts today as well. According to my kids these bakery donuts "taste different" than the donut shop. OK, more for me I guess!

I've had a copy of Little Heaven for a while now, but I didn't want to read it in 2016 in case it's that good. It deserves to be read in 2017 since it doesn't release until this month. (I've seen a lot of people posting updates this week that they are reading it right now, too. I imagine we are all excited to finally dig in!)

If you haven't read Nick Cutter, he's written a couple of stand out horror novels (The Troop and The Deep). He's an automatic read for me. Nick Cutter is actually a pseudonym but I have no knowledge of his non-horror stuff.

What will you be reading today? Did you purposefully pick which book you would start the year with or did chance land you in your current read?


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  1. Going into the new year with an auto read author is a great choice... I say as I'm doing exactly the same thing. Happy reading, and donut eating :-P

  2. Sounds like a good choice!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, and Happy Reading in 2017!!

    Happy New Year!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My First Book Of The Year

  3. OH, I've never read Nick Cutter but I think I need to! Happy New Year!

  4. Hope you don't get sick with that box of donuts! Hope you love your first book and that you have a wonderful reading year in 2017!

    1. Haha. Laura, you will be happy to know I have successfully built up a strong tolerance to donut overindulgence over the years. :)

  5. I haven't read Nick Cutter yet, but hope you enjoy the book... and the donuts. Happy New Year!

  6. Doughnuts sound like a great treat for today! I don't know if I have the energy right now to get dressed and go get some though. LOL I hope you enjoy Little Heaven. I'm very close to the end of a book I am loving and I have a feeling it will be one of my favorites of the year--which is why I decided to wait until today to finish it instead of yesterday. Plus, it comes out in March of this year . . . Best to wait, I figured. :-)

    Have a Happy New Year!

    1. You guys are all leaving me in suspense! Haha. Sounds like you are having a great start to the year!

  7. Enjoy your first book, and each one after that, Jennifer. Happy 2017 to you!

  8. I didn't think I'd heard of the author, but i bought The Troop for my dad a few years ago... and we've inherited it, along with all of his Stephen King & Dean Koontz books!

    Enjoy & Happy New year!


    Book By Book: First Book of 2017

    1. If you haven't read King or Koontz you have a lot of amazing books to read!!

  9. Ooh! I have never heard of this book or this author. I've been looking for a new horror read. I need to check this out!

    Have fun reading your first book and enjoy those doughnut!!!!

    Vonnie's First Book

    1. Yes, Vonnie. Nick Cutter is original so if you are looking for something new - he's a good bet. Thanks!!

  10. Enjoy your first book of the year and your first doughnuts of the year. :)

    Brooke's First Book of the Year

    1. Oooh, first donuts of the year. I can say "I've only eaten x number of donuts this whole year!" :)

  11. I'm glad you put the authors other books, I couldn't place him. Great choice for you Jen. Happy New Year

  12. I'm glad you put the authors other books, I couldn't place him. Great choice for you Jen. Happy New Year

  13. A great combination..books and donuts. Happy New Year.

  14. I've not read much horror and nothing really new. Perhaps this is the author to get me started? Hope you enjoyed the doughnuts. Have a good 2017 😀

    1. Nick Cutter is pretty disturbing. I love him, but I probably wouldn't recommend him as a starter. Feel free to email me if you need a suggestion!

  15. And now I want donuts. ;) Before I started blogging I never paid attention to my first read of the year. Now I think about it but don't stress about it. I've never read Nick Cutter. I'll have to try one of his.

    1. I ate a lot of those donuts, too. :) I thought they were good! If you try a Nick Cutter, I'd go with The Troop.

  16. Hope you enjoy your first read! Mine is HP and the Half-Blood Prince. *sniffle* So good though. :)

    1. HARRY POTTER IS A PERFECT FIRST READ. You know, I had the movies on repeat at least 3 days during my holidays. LOL.

  17. Great pick! Horror goes well with donuts, in my experience :)

    Have fun, and I hope to read Little Heaven soon myself. Happy new year!

  18. A new author to me. The donuts look yummy. Happy reading in 2017 :)

    1. Hi, Stacy! They were good. It may have taken me a couple of days to make a decent dent in those donuts, but I handled it. :)


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