Saturday, December 31, 2016

Recent Updates | December 31

I'm going to do my currently reading updates a little different next year. Since I already include links to my recent posts with my It's Monday update, I've decided to start linking up with The Sunday Post. In addition, I'd like to start adding recent review copies to my updates à la Stacking the Shelves. This means my schedule will be a bit different this year with my updates posting on Saturday or Sunday each week. I'm looking forward to branching out.

Posted Last Week

I posted my review of Stephen King's dystopian novella The Long Walk: Book Review | The Long Walk by Richard Bachman (Stephen King)

I also posted my master list of all of the 2017 I'm looking forward to reading. Check it out. It's huge! Upcoming 2017 New Releases in Fantasy, Horror, and Science Fiction 

And finally here are My Favorite Reads of 2016.

Books Read Last Week

The Long Walk by Richard Bachman (Pseudonym), Stephen King

The Thief of Always by Clive Barker - Thanks for the recommendation, Bonnie! It was the last book I needed for my Goodreads challenge!

Review Copies

Upside Down: Inverted Tropes in Storytelling edited by Jaym Gates and Monica Valentinelli - Apex Publications sent me an ecopy of Upside Down: Inverted Tropes in Storytelling. This has an awesome lineup so I will be checking it out soon.

The Argus Deceit by Chuck Grossart - Chuck Grossart sent me a signed ARC of The Argus Deceit. (Thanks, Chuck!) I'm looking forward to this "genre-bending psychological thriller". The Argus Deceit is dedicated to "to all believers". I'm definitely intrigued.

Little Heaven by Nick Cutter - I've had an ecopy for a while, but a finished copy appeared in my mailbox this week. Little Heaven is slated as my first read for 2017. (It's definitely one of my most anticipated!!)

Current Distractions

I have been off of work for the holidays. It has been amazing.

I finally got to see Rogue One. It was really great. My take away is Kylo Ren will never measure up to Vader.

What about you? What are you reading this week? Let me know in the comments or leave me a link!


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  1. I *still* haven't gone to see Rogue One! I'm going on Monday, and I'm very excited. I'm even more excited to see why you think Kylo Ren won't ever measure up to Vader - what's Vader done now?!?!? :D You know I haven't read a Stephen King book? I don't know what it is, but his books just don't seem to get my attention. o_o I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Happy New Year, Jennifer. =)

    Check out my STS post!

    1. I hate to say it, but Vader is badass. You'll see! :) Stephen King has actually crossed into so many genres, I think you would be surprised. I'm sure he's not for everyone, though! Happy New Year, Alyssa!

  2. I am so ashamed to say I've never read a Stephen King book *hides in a corner* I'm such a scaredy cat that I can't make myself pick up his books but i'm hoping to change that in 2017 :) And I'm yet to see Rogue One! Have a great new year ahead :)

    1. There are a lot of authors I'm ashamed to have not picked up yet. If you need help picking one, let me know! :)

  3. Wow, thanks for that upcoming 2017 releases post! I see a few there I knew about and a few I didn't (and a few I'm adding)! And Rogue One- all I can say is more of that and less of Force awakens lol but that's just me. And yeah... Vader.

    1. You are welcome! I love doing those posts. LOL! I'm OK with more of everything because I did like Force Awakens, but less Kylo and more Vader is OK by me!

  4. I have Little Heaven coming up soon. I noticed the reviews are mixed but I am looking forward to it. I am glad that you have enjoyed your time off during the holidays. Happy New Year!

    1. You know, the reviews for his other books were really mixed, too. I enjoyed them, though, so I have a good feeling about Little Heaven.

  5. For some reason it's hard for me to read King :( weirdo! I recently posted my review of Rogue One. Really Liked it :) Looking forward to your review of Little Heaven Looks good! Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New Year! I will have to check out your Rogue One review. :)

  6. I am curious about Little Heaven...and The Long Walk. Enjoy! Thanks for sharing, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. The Long Walk was great! I'm enjoying Little Heaven so far.

  7. I STILL haven't gotten around to seeing Rogue One. I hope you loved it.
    Please check out some of my recent posts:

    1. I did love it. I hope you are able to see it soon! :)

  8. Whoa, that cover of Upside Down is gorgeous! And yes, Rogue one!

    My Stacking the Shelves

  9. Glad you got the holidays off. I still need to see Star Wars.

  10. So, I haven't seen last years new Star Wars still. I guess it can't be considered the new Star Wars anymore though. lol And yay for The Thief of Always!! :D So glad you enjoyed it.


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