Monday, November 28, 2016

November 28 | Currently Reading

Hello! I hope you guys from the US had a great Thanksgiving holiday (and everyone had a great weekend). It was a wonderful and much needed break for me. Our crowd was much smaller this year due to my brothers' work schedules, but I cooked a feast anyway. My mom got to stay with us for a few days. She lives really close, but I don't get to see her enough!

Did you guys watch Gilmore Girls?

I haven't read much since my last update. I have been in a funk. I need to get a move on in December if I'm going to at least meet my Goodreads goal!

Books Read Last Week

The Ash Angels by Ian Rogers
Black-Eyed Kids by Ian Rogers

I really enjoyed these novellas. I would love to read tons more of them.

Currently Reading

The Blue Chip Store: How Bank Robbery Changed My Life by Clay Tumey
Last Train from Perdition by Robert McCammon

Sorry I've been MIA with the comments and for the comment bombing I will be doing in the near future. Not only have I been in the aforementioned funk, I haven't been online much. The world is kind of ugly right now, and I've been in my own funky bubble. This past holiday did me a world of good, and I'm really missing reading your updates.

So what about you? What are you reading this week? Be sure to let me know in the comments or leave me a link!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


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  1. Glad to see you back but I totally understand about the world being an ugly place right now. I did watch Gilmore Girls and as thrilled I was to have new episodes to watch, I'm not sure how I feel about it. I think Rory was a mess. Thank heavens you had a wonderful holiday!

    1. Thanks so much! I'm undecided about Gilmore Girls, too. There was truly only one thing I wanted to happen AND IT DID so I'm definitely not disappointed. I feel like there was a lot of fluff, though, and Rory was definitely a mess.

  2. I think a lot of us are in a never ending funk. Hopefully we'll get out of it soon. I haven't watched Gilmore Girls yet because I'm doing a rewatch of the series. I'm trying to hurry and get to it.

    1. Yay for your rewatch!! :) I'm sorry you are in the funk, too. I sure hope this passes.

  3. Good to see you around again! I hope you are back on track with your reading soon, sometimes it can take you away from the ugly world around which helps. All the best for this week.

    1. Thanks!! You are right! I just need me an amazing book right about now.

  4. Glad to see you back! I hope whatever is causing the funk resolves itself. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  5. Glad you had a good Thanksgiving! It was nice here too. Black Eyed Kids looks like a trip! I loved the idea of a paranormal agency. And LAst Train to Perdition looks good too.

    1. Thanks! Yes, I love the paranormal cases. Good times.

  6. I am seriously eyeing my copy of Last Train from Perdition. Even though I've never read the author before, I know he is highly praised. Plus, the genre and that cover is really calling out to me!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I LOVE McCammon. You can't go wrong with anything he's written. :)

  7. I haven't watched Gilmore Girls yet (been trying to figure out how to sync up with my mom... we always used to watch it together). Trying to avoid spoilers has been difficult. lol Good luck in meeting your challenge goal!

    1. Yes, definitely sync up with your mom! I watched it with my mom over Thanksgiving. I hope you get to watch it before you see any spoilers. :)


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