Monday, October 3, 2016

October 3 | Currently Reading

If you are looking for some spooky October reads, I posted all of the horror books that will be releasing this month.

Books Read Last Week

Horrorween (Orangefield #1) by Al Sarrantonio

Horrorween was an OK read. I'm planning to read the whole trilogy this month so we'll see how I like it in its entirety.

Currently Reading

I made some progress on Wolves of the Calla. I've tried reading it twice now, and yesterday was the first day I was able to pay attention. I have a love/hate relationship with the Dark Tower series, and I guess I'm on a hate book. I will probably keep reading it this week to see if the connection lasts for me. I'm determined to make it through the series.

Current Distractions

This past weekend was my husband's birthday. We spent the weekend outdoors playing with the kids and cleaning out the garage while the weather was nice. We also managed to catch a couple of episodes of Luke Cage.

What about you? What are you reading this week? Be sure to let me know in the comments or leave me a link!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


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  1. Oh sounds like a great family weekend. Enjoy those horror reads - not for me - but love that you enjoy them.

  2. Sounds like a fun weekend! And yay, October!!!

    I am not sure about Luke Cage yet - I have only watched the first episode though. My husband told me that I need to watch the first three, and then it picks up, or so he heard. Lol. I loved his character in Jessica Jones though, so I will stick with it.

    I'm excited to go check out that list! Have a great week!

  3. It sounds like you had a lovely weekend. I've been wanting to watch Luke Cage; I watched about 20 minutes or so but couldn't get in to it. I think it was more of a mood thing though, than the show itself. I'll be revisiting.

    I want to read more of Stephen King's - I can count on one hand the number of titles by him I've read - and October would have been such a great month for that. I've committed to number of different reads however.

  4. Horrorween! Love that title! And the cover too- killer pumpkins lol, sign me up. I love October. I'm 5 episodes into Luke Cage so far, and it's okay. Not bad. I like him and Misty, the villains bore me a bit.

  5. It looks like you have a great collection of spooky reads. May the scary streak continue! :)

  6. You're reading some great seasonal reads. Sorry neither is blowing you away.

  7. I will have to check out Luke Cage. We are catching up on a lot of shows we DVR'd Sunday due to watching the Steelers game. Glad you got to enjoy the weather. I STILL haven't read The Dark Tower series and hope to get a start on it next year. The movie is coming out so I at least need to read the first one.


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