Monday, October 10, 2016

October 10 | Currently Reading

I was pretty MIA last week. It was a bad week of stress and migraines. I'm off of work today so hopefully I can catch up with you guys and get some rest.

Unless you count the books I read with my kids (I did read a surprisingly scary Goosebumps book), I didn't finish any books last week. I did, however, start reading Children of the Dark.

Currently Reading

Children of the Dark by Jonathan Janz

It's great so far. I think it would really appeal to fans of Stranger Things.

Current Distractions

Politics. Debates.

I'm 5 episodes into Luke Cage now. I like the Tarantinoesque aspect of it all, but I'm not rushing to watch more.

What about you? What are you reading this week? Be sure to let me know in the comments or leave me a link!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


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  1. Oooh, I'm looking for something to fill my Stranger Things craving so I'll check this out. I'm reading a middle grade horror right now, The Shadow House, as part of a Tag Team review scheduled for next week. The book has faded grey pages and some pics and there is an app that goes along with it so I think it might be really great for middle grade readers. I'll keep you posted!

  2. Ooh that looks like a good one! I can see where it would have a stranger Things vibe. And I felt the same way about Cage- I liked it but wasn't dying to watch, so it took me all week to binge it. Liked Luke and Misty, the villains not so much. They need to get all these guys together, that will be fun. Missed some of Jessica's snark.

  3. I tend to avoid scary books including the Goosebumps series but my students love them. I am apparently way too suggestible. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  4. Oh do hope that you are feeling better, while I don't get migranes I know they are awful things. Politics in your country is interesting at the moment, last night I heard someone talking about other party options which of course don't get a look in in the debates.

  5. I hope you're feeling better this week and feel like you're all caught up - I hate being out of the loop. Haha!

    Children of the Dark sounds like a really creepy read! And the Goosebumps book totally counts... Also, children's book can be quite scary, even as an adult!

    I hope you have a better week!

  6. I have heard so much about Luke Cage, I may have to watch. Do you watch Power?

    You always find the creepiest books Jennifer :-)

  7. Some of those Goosebumps books are creepy! Lol.

    Hmm I loved Stranger Things! I will have to check that book out. :)

  8. I like that you talk about your current distractions. I have many.

  9. If you think this will appeal to fans of Stranger Things, then I am absolutely positively SOLD!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  10. Oh no! I hope you feel better this week.

    Sometimes when I am going over things I read as a kid I'm surprised at how scary they can be or even some of the topics that are dealt with and I'd like to see it done differently now I'm an adult! I guess being a mother changes your point of view but I also think that you become more sensitive to these things with age, at least in my experience. :)

    Hope you have a good week of reading this week.

  11. I was OBSESSED with Goosebumps as a kid - funnily enough I've become more of a scary story wimp as I've grown up! ;)


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