Monday, September 5, 2016

September 5 | Currently Reading

Hello, September. This year has flown by. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but I'm looking forward to fall. I may start getting things ready for Halloween a bit early this year. I could use the extra boost of good feelings.

Happy Labor Day to those who are celebrating a day off today. I have spent most of my long weekend working from home. That's just the way things are at work right now. I'm looking forward to things slowing down soon.

As for my reading week, I'd like a complete redo, please. 2 out of 3 books were a total bust for me.

Books Read Last Week

Mirror Image by Michael Scott

Mirror Image by Michael Scott

I could not make it through Mirror Image. I hated that book. I made it about 75%, and that's all I could do. Between the constant info dumping of things I already knew and the ridiculous, repetitive scenarios to "feed" the mirror, I had had enough. Consider this my review.

2/10: Hated It

The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

I loved this one. I promise to review it soon.

The Jersey Devil by Hunter Shea

The Jersey Devil by Hunter Shea

I'm so mad at this book. I'll review it soon, but I won't leave you in suspense. One of the jersey devils was described as looking like a cross between a child with down syndrome and a goat. I can't even. This may be the first book ever to get no stars at all.

Currently Reading

I haven't managed to pick up anything yet. I think my mind is trying to resist a repeat of last week. This might be a really good week for some rereads.

Current Distractions

US Open tennis is happening so my time is pretty well split between working and watching tennis for another week. Does anyone watch tennis? There was a really great (brutal!) match on yesterday that had me watching behind my hands. I was so nervous. My dude lost. The match was over 4 hours long and as close as a match could get. It's a lot of fun, but tennis is a huge time suck.

What about you? What are you reading this week? Be sure to let me know in the comments or leave me a link!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My time suck has been baseball. I can't get enough of my beloved but hapless Atlanta Braves. With extra traveling this week and a book that is okay but not amazing, my reading has really slowed down. Come see what I accomplished last week here. Happy reading!

    1. I used to watch the Braves a lot growing up. I'm from Texas, but we'd go see the Astros play when the Braves were in town. :)

  3. I read the Yellow Wallpaper in Collage. It has always stuck with me and I might need to try and read it again since it has been a while since I read it.
    Sorry the other two didn't work for you but I have been DNF a lot of books this month, just can't seem to find anything that grabs my full attention. The book I am currently reading seems to be pretty good at the moment so I am hopeful.
    Netflix seems to be distracting me this weekend. I have so much I want to watch :)

    1. A good Netflix binge is the best! I've been having a lot of reading funk myself lately. Either I hate a book and nothing sounds good or I love a book and then nothing sounds good. Highs and lows! :)

  4. Bring on the Halloween / fall stuff lol. I think I'm ready. I will be sorry to see summer go but I love fall. Mirror Image looks like a trip, sorry to hear it sucked. Hopefully this week will be better!

    I haven't seen any of the Open but a 4 hour match... wow. That sounds long. The players must have been exhausted. I saw some highlights on Twitter (feels weird to say that- highlights on Twitter??) so I knew there was a big match or something...

    1. I had high hopes for Mirror Image, but that book and I just didn't get along. I decided to read The Fireman next so it's going to be an excellent week.

      Tennis matches are so long! Finals will go as long as 5 hours. Back in the day I remember players having to have medical attention as the matches would end sometimes, but the players have a lot more endurance these days. It's still bad sometimes. I remember an instance in the last few years they had to get the players chairs to sit in during the award ceremony because the guys were holding themselves up by the tennis net.

      Twitter is doing some beta testing during the US Open for monetizing twitter. That might be some of what you are seeing.

  5. It's always hard to pick up a new book when you keep reading duds. Sorry your last reads weren't so great. I look forward to hearing about the book you did enjoy.

    1. And I keep reading the duds. :( Thanks. The Yellow Wallpaper is a quick read, too. I will be sure to share it.

  6. I love this time of year! The books, the air, the coffee... I'm so bummed you didn't like The Yellow Wallpaper! I really enjoyed that one years ago when I read it. The quiet feel of the narrative stuck with me, and the image of this story seemed like it would have been so unique when first published. I may have to re-read it to see if it would still sit well with me today.

    I've been all over Netflix and Amazon Prime for the longest time, but am now diving into some vintage and noir films and TV series. I need to get back to Something Wicked This Way Comes!

    1. Oops. I thought the 2/10 was for The Yellow Wallpaper :)

    2. My post was probably hard to read. I think I was busy spouting out the rants and that little gem got lost in the middle! I loved The Yellow Wallpaper. It was such a great surprise. You should reread it anyway. :)

    3. Oh, and Something Wicked This Way Comes. That was a Bradbury story right? Is it a film, a series? Do tell!

    4. Definitely Ray Bradbury and it looks like there was a movie made in 1983 - I'll have to check it out!!

    5. Bradbury sounds great for this time of year. There are so many Bradburys I need to read, too.

  7. Sorry you had to work from home over a long weekend. That no longer happens to me since I retired from teaching but I remember!

    1. It doesn't happen too often, but we've had some major projects going on lately. We are kind of in the post-go-live, growing pains phase.

  8. The Yellow Wallpaper is on my wishlist currently - glad to hear you enjoyed it. Shame about the other books you picked up (I had when the narrative is full of repeating). Wishing you a better reading week!

    1. Thanks! I decided to pick up Joe Hill's The Fireman and it's awesome so far. Things are definitely picking up on the reading front.

  9. Oh goodness. That Jersey Devil book does sound awful and offensive. I hope this week is better for your reading!!

  10. I'm impressed that you read so much a book you hated so much, I admire your determination! I probably would've discarded a book like that long before the 75% mark, I just don't have the perseverance. I hadn't heard of Mirror Image before, but I definitely won't be looking for it now!


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