Monday, September 26, 2016

September 26 | Currently Reading

Last week I posted a review for the Sky Jumpers series by Peggy Eddleman.

Books Read Last Week

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
The Baby by Al Sarrantonio

I think this was my first time reading Jekyll and Hyde. It wasn't as good as I'd hoped, but the good parts were so good, I'd recommend reading it if you haven't.

The Baby is a novella from Al Sarrantonio's Orangefield world. It's pretty much an alternate ending to part of the third book. I haven't read that book yet so it was new to me.

Currently Reading

Horrorween by Al Sarrantonio

As you can see I'm gearing up for Halloween season.

Current Distractions

Speaking of gearing up for Halloween season, that's what most of my time is going to right now. It's still hot outside, but it's becoming much more bearable. The constant heat and humidity wreaks havoc on the outside of my house. My patio and especially my windows were needing lots of attention. We spend a lot of time outside throughout the Halloween/Thanksgiving season so I'm having to catch up on all of the dirty work I was avoiding too busy to do through the summer.

I'm almost done with season 5 of Once Upon a Time. I'm kind of glad; I was not a fan the character Hades. He reminded me way too much of Zoolander which made it completely impossible to even consider him as a Greek god. I kept expecting him to do blue steel as he was ruling the underworld.

What about you? What are you reading this week? Be sure to let me know in the comments or leave me a link!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


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  1. I'm so far behind on Once Upon A Time I am bordering on giving up. I really enjoyed it but for some reason stopped watching and now I don't know if I will ever catch up. If I don't start watching it, maybe I won't miss it - haha. I'm really in the mood for Halloween as well. Hope you have a great week and I love all the pumpkins on the cover!

    1. Haha. Yeah, you really aren't missing much, but I don't have many shows I can watch with my kids around. Everything else I have to try to watch on my lunch break.

  2. You are ready for Halloween with the reading. I haven't decided what will be my read this month, maybe Let the Right One In, it has been on the list for awhile.

    1. Oooh, Let the Right One In would be a great choice Marce.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm not a big fan of Classics. I usually find the writing style too stodgy for me. I seem to have read a retelling or two based on the story though. Here is my week. Happy reading!

    1. Sometimes I don't connect with the writing, but usually I do! I'm often surprised when I pick up a classic because I automatically think the writing will be a problem. I think the great classics endure for a reason.

  5. I think with the hot weather you've been having you'd be excused all those outside jobs especially. Horrorween - a clever title!

  6. I don't love Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde but I'm glad I read it. And it's short. So that's nice. The cooler weather is such a relief. I can get so much more done when I'm not melting.

    1. I feel like I'm getting energy just from the temperature letting up. We are supposed to get a cool spell this weekend. I'm thinking about heading to the beach... LOL.

  7. I first read The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde a good few years ago now, and have yet to revisit it. I shall have rectify that at some point.

    It sounds like you're very much in the Halloween spirit!

    I'm still keeping up with my Roald Dahl reading, this week I'm focusing on his adult fiction a bit more. I'm really enjoying it... Perhaps even more so than his children's fiction.


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