Monday, September 19, 2016

September 19 | Currently Reading

No new reviews from me last week, but I did catch up on some reading.

Books Read Last Week

The Fireman by Joe Hill
Sky Jumpers (Sky Jumpers, #1) by Peggy Eddleman
The Forbidden Flats (Sky Jumpers, #2) by Peggy Eddleman

The Fireman was long, but good. The Skyjumpers series was great, too. It was younger than I was expecting, but I'm excited about such a young post-apocalyptic series.

Currently Reading

The Secret Life of Souls by Jack Ketchum, Lucky McKee

This book is my #1 anticipated book of the year and the love of my life right now.

Current Distractions

I finished season 2 of Bloodline. WHAT KIND OF ENDING WAS THAT? That was a non-season is what that was. You know how when you read a book and the cliffhanger is so bad you know you were basically handed half a book? SAME.

Once Upon a Time was updated with a new season on Netflix so I'm catching up on that now. I can actually watch that one around my kids so there's nice.

What about you? What are you reading this week? Be sure to let me know in the comments or leave me a link!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


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  1. So, did you like The Fireman? The Secret Life of Souls looks good. I'm going to have to check it out. I also want to check out Bloodline but now I'm not so sure.

    1. I did. It was a bit of a challenge in length, but it was still a great read.

  2. That first Sky Jumpers cover is awesome, and The secret Life of Souls looks amazing too. Don't know anything about that one but the cover draws you in.

    I like Bloodline but I was a little pissed at that ending. Him just driving off??? Wha..? I was like where's he frickin going lol? And the younger brother (forget his name)- they were obviously leading up to something but THAT? Yikes.

    1. I love that Sky Jumpers cover.

      The whole season was just a "leading up to". There was no resolution. At all. For anything. :cries:

  3. Looking forward to your thoughts on The Fireman. I agree with your comment that it was long, but good. Certain sections I thought could be cut or shortened, but at least I was never bored.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I think it could have used some cuts, too. But, I'll take what I got. :)

  4. It is always nice when an anticipated book live up to your expectations. I love Once Upon A Time and look forward to the new season.

    1. I like having a show I can watch around my kids. I wish there were more family friendly things I enjoyed watching.

  5. The Skyjumpers books look great, are they middle grade? Cover would suggest it. If so they are in for a treat by the sound of it.

    1. They are middle grade. I thought they would be more on the young adult side, but my elementary age kids could read them.

  6. I'm so glad you're enjoying The Secret Life of Souls. I plan on reading that one in October. I am loving the cover and really don't know too much about the book but I think I want to keep it that way. The covers of the Skyjumpers books make them look like tons of fun.

    1. DOG BOOK. Enough said, right? I hear gifted dog, and that's all I need. :)

  7. The Secret Life of Souls, going to check that out, love the cover and title. I have been waiting patiently for months on Distress Signals and Netflix has it and approved my request, shocked and excited.

    1. I'm going to have to look up Distress Signals. I don't know what that is!

  8. Fireman WAS long, but good. Can't wait for more from Hill. And so glad to see you're enjoying The Secret Life of Souls. I might have to check that one out myself. :) I'm currently enthralled with Daredevil (I'm totally behind). Just finished season one... trying to finish the second one soon so I can watch Luke Cage!

    1. I really liked season one of Daredevil; it was so dark! Season two is much different, though. There was a lot of "shock value" involved. I will be watching Luke Cage, too.

  9. The Secret Life of Souls looks amazing - I haven't heard of it but I just love the cover. I'm going to go check it out on Goodreads now. :) Hope you're having a good week!


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