Monday, February 22, 2016

February 22 | Currently Reading

I had a much better reading week this past week. My family has decided to get well on me so things are getting back to normal.

If you missed my spotlight for Women in Horror Month, you can check that out here.

Books Read Last Week

The Giver by Lois Lowry

I finished reading Lois Lowry's The Giver. Unfortunately, I didn't like this book as much as I was supposed to.

I listened to this book on audio, and despite the really weird background music this thing had going on, it was a great audio. The book itself, though, left a lot to be desired.

4/10: Not My Thing

Shine Your Light On Me by Lee Thompson

Shine Your Light On Me by Lee Thompson

Lee Thompson released two books this month. What. Like I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, if he's writing, I'm reading. There was tough subject matter (I can live out all of my days without reading about kids being sexually abused) but my favorite Thompson books are always the supernatural ones.

7/10: Recommended Read

Books Currently Reading

I love these Fairyland books so much. I don't know why I'm reading this in the winter. Actually, I do know - my library had a copy available and I couldn't resist, but I'm a mood reader and these are definitely fall books.

I have a stack of books I keep saying I'm going to read next so hopefully I can actually get to some of those this week.

What about you? What are you reading this week? Be sure to let me know in the comments or leave me a link!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


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  1. I've never read The Giver. I'm afraid I won't like it and I'm pretty sure there's some fanclub that will find out I don't like it and come after me. I've heard weird things about the Fairyland books. Now I'm not so sure I should try them.

    1. Yeah, I can't really recommend The Giver. Maybe to a young person who has never read a dystopian book before... The Fairyland books are kind of weird, but it's imagery I can get so wrapped up in. The feeling I get is similar to when I walk outside and smell autumn for the first time each year.

  2. The Giver is certainly different, while it is quite a few years since I read it parts of it still remain with me. I am not sure that I loved it, it was just different.

    1. I could agree with that. There were some memorable things, but there were many things lacking for me, as well.

  3. I did miss that post but just scrolled through it. Some great stuff there- Mira Grant's was the most familiar to me but I saw that lots that looked nice and scary. :)

    I don't read a ton of horror but sometimes I just want a scary a$$ book, you know? LOL.

  4. I read the first of the Fairyland books and enjoyed it, but not enough to pick up another one, though I might give them another shot!

    1. The second book had a good plot to it, but I would say if you didn't love the first one, it's probably not worth it to continue on.

  5. Love the cover on the Fairyland book.

    ENJOY the rest of this week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  6. Bummer about The Giver. I thought the movie was pretty good.


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