Monday, February 15, 2016

February 15 | Currently Reading

I have finished zero books since you saw me last!

Books Currently Reading

I'm trying to make my way through Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves, and it isn't going very well. I'm actually enjoying it - it's a creepy read, but it's slow (footnotes in the footnotes!) and most of my reading time lately hasn't been print copy friendly.

I also started reading The Giver by Lois Lowry.

What about you? Did you have more success last week than I did? Let me know what your reading in the comments or leave me a link!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


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  1. I just picked up House of Leaves but it looks daunting to say the least. I don't have tons of reading time this month so I have been tackling some easier reads and a few ARCs I have to get to. I did just finished Marked in Flesh, the new "Others" book by Anne Bishop due out in March. I love that series and this is another great installment. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on House of Leaves.

  2. Hubs and I both attempted HOUSE OF LEAVES and both abandoned it unfinished. It was just too everything for me - too slow, too weird, too artsy-fartsy with the strange design aspects. And every time I started to get drawn into one of the two narratives, something would inevitably throw me off. I'm not one to leave a book lightly but that one was just not my cup of tea.

  3. Oh, I just love "The Giver." I didn't read it until I was an adult and taking a class on Children's Literature, but it was still a wonderful read!

  4. I read The Giver too as an adult. Hope you like it, I have never read anything else though by her, I think there a few more in the series?

  5. I read The Giver years ago and am still conflicted about the ending. I don't like ambiguity! Here's my week. Happy reading!

  6. I read The Giver in school ages and ages ago, and to be honest I think I've forgotten most of it! I really should give it another go as an adult.

  7. I read The Giver in school ages and ages ago, and to be honest I think I've forgotten most of it! I really should give it another go as an adult.

  8. Footnotes in the footnotes? What the what?!

  9. I had a slow reading month in January so last week was actually pretty good- I got some reading in. So February looks to be an improvement. :) I haven't read either of those although footnote heavy books do usually slow me down as I try to read all of them and then I get annoyed. LOL.

    Have a good week. :)

  10. I remember reading The Giver. Not a favorite.

    I hope your week has been good.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading


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