Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Top Ten Bookish Resolutions for 2016

It's that time of year again! I've been giving some thought to what I want to accomplish this year both as a book blogger and a reader. These are my top ten bookish resolutions for 2016.

Read More Non-fiction

My biggest surprise/complaint about 2015 is I read no non-fiction. None. Zip. Zero. Zilch. I love non-fiction. I always wish I was reading more, but I can't remember a year where I read none. This cannot happen again. In 2016 I will read more non-fiction.

Seek Out and Share Horror Fiction

Each and every year horror fiction gets harder and harder to find. It could totally just be me - I see people reading it all of the time - but I'm constantly asking myself (and my poor husband) where is all of the horror? When I find it, I will share it.

Return to My Blogging Roots

When I started this blog (five years ago this month!), I had no qualms about posting a one sentence review that simply said "I dug it". These days if I don't have anything substantial to say, I don't say anything at all. That's not what this blog is about, though. This blog is here for me to say I read this thing, and I dug it.

Discussion Posts

I have never been good at posting discussion posts. Most of my discussions stay in my "drafts" and never make it on to the blog. This is something I plan to work on in 2016.

Read More New Releases

I was actually much better at this last year than I normally am, but it's something I'd like to keep working on. I created a page with all of the 2016 new releases I'd like to read. I obviously won't be reading the entire list, but my hope is to keep it updated and fresh on my mind.

Be More Social

At the very least I'd like to utilize twitter and Goodreads more than I currently do.

Reading/Commenting on Other Blogs

I feel great in the fact that I do still comment, but I need a much better routine so I don't miss out on the posts I want to be reading. I've been trying to greatly narrow down my Feedly. I hope to have this under control this year.

Read 50 Books

My goal will always be 50 books a year no matter how far over 50 I go each year.

Read More "Best of" Books

I love book lists. I know they are flawed, but there's always a significant reason that a particular book has been placed on a "best of" list. I keep track of a lot of lists on my Goodreads, and I toss most of the lists onto one giant "bucket-list" shelf. I return to these lists often, but I want to start tracking my progress of each list instead of just pulling from my giant list. I plan to start making master posts here on the blog soon.

Revisit These Resolutions

It's one thing to set resolutions, it's another to check in and see how much I'm accomplishing. I plan to revisit these resolutions in 2016.

Have you set any resolutions this year? I'd love to hear them. Let me know in the comments or leave me link!

This post is being shared as part of The Broke and the Bookish's Top Ten Tuesday.


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  1. I just got Elysium Dreams by Hadena James for review today through Enchanted Book Promotions if that's of any interest. Starts with a psycopath skinning his victim(s) in the park.

    1. Eep! That's one great thing about horror - you can find it in all genres!

  2. I like the resolution of returning to your blogging roots. Ultimately we blog for ourselves, a place for us to look back on, a bookish journal almost, and so if you only want to write a few words on a book - you do that!

    Good luck with all your goals for 2016!

    Reading With Jade

  3. Excellent list, Jennifer! I especially love the second one since I too am always looking for more horror! Hopefully you can find some for me to add to my TBR :)

  4. Great resolutions! If there's something I haven't really done on my blog yet, it's have discussion posts; I'm big on book reviews and book lists but yeah, not discussion posts. Perhaps I should consider that this year...

    Best of luck with your resolutions this year! My TTT

  5. I can't wait to see what horror you find in 2016. That is one of my favorite genres and I always look forward to discovering more books. I need to check out your new release page.

    1. I'm looking forward to what I'm able to find. I love horror, too, and I miss what the genre used to be. It's not gone. It's just changed.

  6. Commenting is something I'm trying to be more proactive about, too - I read countless blogs, but don't comment nearly as often as I should. Even just a few words to let the writer know that I enjoyed and appreciated their post. It's so nice as a blogger to know that someone out there is reading and enjoying your writer, so hopefully I can spread a bit of that happiness around! Have a happy new year1 :)

    1. I'm bad about drive bys, too. I'm trying to be better about leaving pages up when I know I don't have time to comment in hopes that I'll make a point to comment later on.

  7. I love your resolutions and I love your last one best. I never check back and hold my self accountable.

    1. I haven't checked back on my resolutions in the past, either. I hope I remember to this time since it's one of my resolutions.. Haha.

  8. Great list. Blogging roots is a good one, I can relate. It's funny how my blogging has changed in the few years I've been doing it, and it's good to remember why we started in the first place. And discussion posts- I'd like to do more.

    Ditto on Twitter.

    1. I'm kind of amazed when I go back and read old posts. My blogging has definitely evolved.

  9. Sounds like a good list. Plus yay more Horror!! I think you set realistic expectations and that will make them easier to stick with.

  10. Great resolutions!! I really need to update my Goodreads, it is in a sad state of disrepair. I didn't record half of the books I read last year. Ah well, that is what a new year is all about, isn't it?

    I am looking forward to seeing what horror and non-fiction you dig up - I too am looking around for the horror and can't seem to find it. I like non-fiction, but I am not that good at reading it.

    1. I'm glad everyone is excited for the horror. It's a shame it doesn't get any marketing. I know it's there, though.

  11. Great resolutions! Good luck with completing all these this year.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2016/01/05/top-ten-tuesday-38/

  12. Yes, please share more horror! Even though I read predominantly sci-fi and fantasy, I am always seeking out more horror books. Not a lot jumped out at me in 2015, but maybe it's because I just don't know where to look. 2016 is looking better though, I already have a few must-read horror titles on my list :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  13. My biggest goal now is doing my 18 Challenges with NO CROSSOVERS!! Wish me luck..LOl


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