Monday, January 4, 2016

January 4 | Currently Reading

It's a new reading year! I imagine we are all busy making our reading plans for the year. I posted all of the 2016 books I'd love to read this year (as well as a more detailed list of January releases).

I haven't done much blogging due to holiday commitments so my books read list covers the last couple of weeks.

Books Read Last Week(s)

Blood And Rain by Glenn Rolfe
Countless Haints (Harrow County #1-4) by Cullen Bunn
Prince of the Elves (Amulet #5) by Kazu Kibuishi
The Lies of Locke Lamora (Gentleman Bastard #1) by Scott Lynch
The Rats (Rats #1) by James Herbert

Books Currently Reading

The only book I'm currently reading is Robert Jackson Bennett's City of Stairs. The sequel comes out later this month so I'm playing catch up.

What about you? What are you reading this week? Be sure to let me know in the comments or leave me a link!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


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  1. Visiting from It's Monday What Are You Reading at The Book Date.

    Love the covers for "Blood and Rain" and "The Lies Locke Lamora." My current read is "The Masquerading Magician" by Gigi Pandian. After that I'm finishing "Death of an Alchemist" by Mary Lawrence. Participating in the Bout of Books Readathon until Thursday. Here's my "It's Monday What am I Reading."

  2. I love that cover of "City of Stars!" I totally get rushing to read one book so you can read the sequel. I know I have at least one of those scenarios coming up soon!

    1. I'm kind of funny about not liking to read series books back to back so I'm cutting it close to squeeze in some other reads before the new one comes out!

  3. Love the cover of City of Stars makes me want to read it.
    You can see mine here:
    New Goodreads Follower.

    1. Hi Theresa, thanks for letting me know! I will look for you on GR.

  4. City of Stairs looks like a great fantasy novel. Enjoy.

  5. The Lies of Locke Lamora is one of those books I kinda want to read, but just haven't taken the plunge yet. I like that cover a lot- of the different covers I've seen, that's my favorite.

    1. I should have put some commentary on my post. Locke Lamora was actually a reread. I like it that much. You should plunge in!

  6. I haven't heard of City of Stairs but I'm seeing it on lots of blogs today. The Lies of Locke Lamora has been on my Kindle for years but I still haven't tried it. Here is what I read last week. Happy reading!

    1. I hope you get to Locke Lamora one day. It's a great time.

  7. The Lies of Locke Lamora has been on my TBR for AGES. Was planning on finshing up A Song of Ice and Fire before starting a new fantasy series and I did finish last year so... maybe that'll happen soon. :) City of Stairs sounds fantastic. I really loved American, Elsewhere by him I'd like to read more from him. Happy reading!

    1. Locke Lamora was a reread for me, and I will probably reread it again. I had planned to read American, Elsewhere, but we know how those things go. :)

  8. I think someone has recommended The Rats to me, creepy??? Hope your enjoying, have a great week.

    1. Lot and lots of rats in that one. :) If Rats creep you out, that is the book to get. It's a fun read. It is very unapologetic.

    2. Rats is my thing so even though I love thrillers and even horrors, I seriously may not be able to sleep at night, lol

  9. I hope you'll like City of Stairs! I'm reading an ARC of the sequel now and it's excellent, so you definitely won't regret catching up :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Oh, great! Stairs has gotten such great reviews. I figured it would be a good series to catch up on.

  10. They all look scary. Looks like Halloween week instead of January. :)

    ENJOY all of your books and your reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading


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