Sunday, September 7, 2014

Storybook Sunday | 100 Book Club

It's a new school year, and my middle son has started Kindergarten! Our elementary school has a "100 Book Club" for the Kindergarteners each year. If they read 100 books during the school year, they get a trophy at the end of the year. Reading books isn't a problem in this house. Tracking them, however, is another issue. We didn't do a great job tracking with my oldest, especially after he passed his 100 books read, so I'm determined to not let it slip this time around.

My kids are obsessed with Magic Tree House. The series is starting to fall apart for me, but they really love it. So far this school year we've read Dolphins at Daybreak, Ghost Town at Sundown, Lions at Lunchtime, and Polar Bears Past Bedtime.

Other books we've read together:

Who Lives Here? (a super cute book, and I can't find the book cover online anywhere), Mouse and Bear (another one with a book cover issue), Clifford's Bedtime Story, A Big Hug for Little Cub, Home for a Bunny (my childhood favorite), and Star Wars: Colors.

My kids love the Star Wars: Colors book. It's definitely a winner for those looking for color books more modern and exciting. Each color is a two page spread with a character from Star Wars with phrases like "Yoda is green" or "Darth Vader is black".

100 Book Club Total: 10/100

Did you read any children's books this week? I'd love to hear what you are reading. Let me know in the comments or leave me a link.

This post is being shared as part of Teach Mentor Text's It's Monday! What Are You Reading? From Picture Books to YA.


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  1. I wish they had that kind of book club when I was a kid! I SO would have gotten a trophy!

  2. Right? Especially in Kindergarten. I hated Kindergarten. A trophy for reading all year would have been awesome. :)

  3. I agree that keeping track of all 100 books would be an arduous task - that sounds like a LOT really. Star Wars Reads Day is coming up soon, you may want to consider joining in with your kids. :)

    1. Thanks, Myra. It really is a lot to keep track of. Star Wars Reads Day?! We totally need to take part in that!

  4. Students at my school love Magic Tree House!

    I read a number version of the Star Wars book and it was popular with the kids at the library as well, just because it was a Star Wars book.

    That sounds like a cool book club!

    1. I'm certain the appeal of the Star Wars color book lies completely in the Star Wars angle. :) It is laid out really well, too, though. I like it.

  5. Good luck keeping track! That's what blogs are good for :) I should start tracking Gage's books just so he always has a record.
    We haven't read any of these.


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