Monday, May 26, 2014

May 26 | Currently Reading

To those of you traveling to BEA later this week, have a safe trip and have fun! I know you all are going to have an amazing time.

Happy Memorial Day to those of you observing the holiday today. I have the day off! (Hallelujah.) Memorial Day and Independence Day are the only days off I have this summer. Excruciating...

I've been in non-fiction mode here lately, reading mostly music and piano related books. I will probably continue reading more non-fiction through the summer. Once it starts turning colder I'll probably lose myself entirely in the fiction. Two stand out books have been Effortless Mastery by Kenny Werner and Great Pianists on Piano Playing. I recommend the Kenny Werner book to anyone who plays an instrument.

The only fiction book I'm reading at the moment is Sunrise by Mike Mullin. It's the final book in the Ashfall trilogy (which I just really love). It's always hard to finish a series and let go.

I may hold off picking up anything else this week so I can dive into Stephen King's new book next week! The past couple of years Stephen King has moved back into the DROP EVERYTHING AND READ THIS NOW category.

I'd love to hear what you guys are reading this week. Be sure to let me know in the comments or leave me a link!

This post is being shared as part of Book Journey's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


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  1. That Stephen King book looks good! Enjoy your week, and here's

    1. At this point I will read anything he publishes. :) Have a great week!

  2. I didn't realize Stephen King had a new book coming out! I tend to not read a lot of Nonfiction but then sometimes I realize that's all what I've been mostly reading!

    1. I love nonfiction, but I find myself not reading near as much as I'd like. Too many great fiction stories taking my interest and time. :)

  3. I love how you balance non-fiction with fiction depending on season! But I think I know why, because there is nothing as amazing as snuggling under a warm duvet with a book to whisk you away into a fantasy world! I do hate letting go of series as well. I'm still not quite over the loss of Harry Potter! I really need to get into Stephen King as well! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you enjoy all of them!
    My Monday posts
    Juli @ Universe in Words

    1. Exactly, Juli! Once fall hits, I'm in snuggly escape mode! :) Right? I just re-read all of Harry Potter this past year and ooh, it still hits me like the first time.

  4. It is nice to change things up once in a while- funny how the season can affect our reading moods. Hope you had a nice holiday weekend.

    1. Thanks, Greg! It is funny how that happens. I've been known to save some summer releases until the fall. It's just better that way. :)

  5. I hadn't heard about Mr. Mercedes. Looking forward to seeing what you think.

    1. It doesn't seem like Mr. Mercedes has had much marketing. I hope that's not a bad sign. Haha. :)

  6. Oooh...I hadn't heard that Stephen King has a new book out! Definite Father's Day gift for my husband - he currently reading Doctor Sleep - and staying up way too late!

    Enjoy your books this week -


    2014 Big Book Summer Challenge

  7. I've gotten into a nonfiction mode this week, too- both in print (Mr. Owita's Guide to Gardening) and on audio (Empty Mansions). Have a good week.

  8. Sounds like an excruciating work schedule, Jen! Looks like some great books. I forgot about the new King and can't wait to read it!

  9. yikes that King cover...bloody rain...


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