Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Reading Resolutions | 2014

Happy New Year! Each year on the blog I set my reading goals for the year. Last year my plan was to have no plan (aka to read what I wanted when I wanted). I'm a big fan of no pressure reading so I will continue that plan this year as well, but I do have a few hopes for this year.


I love reading non-fiction, and I don't read nearly enough of it. I was beating myself up last year until I looked at my stats and realized I had read 9 non-fiction books. This year my goal is to diversify the types of non-fiction books I read and hopefully even read a little more than last year.

New Releases

I hope to read more new releases this year. I'm actually on the fence about this goal because I don't want to get sucked into only reviewing the new things, but I'd like to see more current year books end up on my favorites list at the end of the year.


I need more horror in my life - be it new horror, old horror, I don't care. If you read any outstanding new horror at any time this year, please send me a recommendation via comment, email, twitter, goodreads, whatever.

Children's Books

I'm awful at tracking the books I read with my kids. I want to do much better this year.

50 Books

As always, my Goodreads Challenge is set to 50 books. I hope to smash that goal, but as long as I'm reading roughly a book a week, I'm accomplishing what I want to accomplish.


As for the blog, I'll continue posting as inconsistently as ever.  I hope to continue only doing what I love to do. I'd like to find my blogging voice in a way I haven't in the past, and I hope to spend 2014 discussing good books with good people.

Do you have any reading or blogging goals set for the year?


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  1. I read quite a few new releases last year and this year my goal is to read from my TBR shelf more!

    Good luck with your goals!

    1. Thanks, Kimberly! Good luck with yours, too. I felt like that the year before last. I'm sure it's a never ending cycle. :)

  2. I have a nonfiction goal, too! Although my goal is aimed at reading more history of various fan movements/experience, rather than spreading out.

    Have you read Locke & Key yet? if not, I highly recommend it! If you like Hill's other stuff, I bet you'd like this, too. Bonus: the art by Rodriguez is gorgeous/horrifying as appropriate. :)

    1. I hope we discover some great nonfiction this year, Renay! I replied to you over on your blog, too, but no, I have not read Locke & Key. I've heard some talk about it, but I haven't really looked into it until now. It looks FANTASTIC. Thanks for the recommendation!

  3. I second the Horror Goal I need to read more of it this year.

  4. I have a no pressure goal this year too. I do want to try to branch out as often as possible. I tend to get stuck with a genre I love and then I'll read only that genre for months. And YES to the horror this year!

  5. This no pressure reading resolution sounds like my cup of tea! The past two years, I have decided to read outside of what interests me in order to broaden my horizons. They weren't very fruitful goals.

    I hope you reach all your goals! :-)

  6. I'd second the New Releases Goal, its a great one. This year I would like to read more books than last year and become well-read in the epic fantasy genre. :)

  7. I used to read a lot of non-fiction, but more like books on Celtic Mythology, Tarot, etc. I've read one or two non-fiction books about NOLA and loved those and want to read more. Horror of course...right now I'm reading The Passage. I am liking it more than I had hoped I would. Good luck with all your goals. I don't care if you blog inconsistently, as long as we stay in touch! :) I haven't been that consistent either. :( Oh well!


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