Monday, December 30, 2013

December 30 | Currently Reading

It's almost the new year! I hope those of you who celebrate Christmas had a fantastic week last week. My tree is still up. This is a record for me. I never make it to the new year. I start itching to get everything put away on Christmas day. Terrible, I know.

I haven't been posting much since I'm still in my big Harry Potter reread. These books are so huge. I'm currently in the middle of book 5 - The Order of the Phoenix. Once the new year starts I may have to break for some of the awesome new releases. January is always a huge month for book releases.

I did take a quick break for Neil Gaiman's Fortunately the Milk when my library got a copy. I couldn't resist. It was cute. I think my kids will love it.

Did you meet your goals for the year? Are you trying to squeeze in any last minute books this week? Be sure to let me know what you are reading this week in the comments or leave me a link!

This post is being shared as part of Book Journey's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


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  1. I wish I had time to re-read. There are some series that I would really like to revisit. Come see my Monday Report here. Happy reading and happy new year!

    1. This re-read has been so time consuming, but I have really loved revisiting each book. I know I'm missing out on a lot of new reads, but at least I know I'm reading something I'll love. Happy new year to you, too!

  2. What a terrible year for me, I have 50 as my goal every year and aim for a book a week, I only made 30, sigh. Going to your favourite books of 2013 post now, I seem to have missed these.

    1. I had a bad year last year, Marce. Even if it wasn't your goal, 30 is still an excellent number of books.

  3. Ohhhh and Christmas tree down before New Years, wowsa, that is a record, I couldn't imagine after all the hard work.

    1. Haha. Well, the tree came down today. I couldn't help it. Maybe one year I'll make it to new years. :)

  4. I admire you in rereading Harry Potter. I vow to do more rereading next year.

    1. I think the holidays/end of year was a great time to reread. It kind of took the pressure off the rest of the reading/blogging responsibilities.

  5. Hope you had a great Christmas and enjoy the reread. Fortunately, the Milk looks good, I've been curious about it. And your best of post gave me another TBR book- Dreams and Shadows. I like the sounds of that one. Happy New Year!

    1. Oh, great! I loved Dreams and Shadows. I hope you are able to read it soon. Happy New Year!

  6. I've started A Hundred Summers and Love Water Memory and I'm loving them both!

  7. I want to read the Neil Gaiman book! I recently finished The Ocean at the End of the Lane, and it was so bizarre! I love that you're rereading the Harry Potter series! I've always wanted to do that, but I know it would take a lot of time! Enjoy reading in 2014!!

    1. Ocean was a weird read; I loved it. I think I like it more and more as time goes on. Harry Potter is taking forever, but I love them so much. It would help to be a faster reader... Thanks! Happy New Year!

  8. I plan to do a Harry Potter reread in the new year sometime alongside of the movies. Ambitious I know :)

  9. I so need to reread Harry Potter, too! I miss that series so hard!!

  10. My tree is still up too. I never leave it up this long. I probably won't get the house put back in order until this weekend. So far I'm still overwhelmed by all the Christmas goodies still stacked on my kitchen counter top!


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