Thursday, November 14, 2013

Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts {4}

Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts is a random posting of what's on my mind bookish and otherwise. Sometimes 10 things, sometimes less, always hosted by Bookishly Boisterous.
  1. Oy, my life is so swamped with life stuff instead of all of the reading of the books right now. The only reading time I've gotten (other than reading to my kids at bedtime) is the middle of the night insomnia reading resulting from the life stuff. It's not quality reading time folks. Anna Dressed in Blood is the book winning my attention, though, and making it even harder to fall back to sleep. That book is turning out to be a surprise win for me. Could my heart be opening up to YA horror? We'll see.

  2. So the Divergent trailer was released yesterday. Are you excited? I'm actually a little disappointed, but it's entirely possible my disappointment in the series is affecting how excited I am for the movie now. I feel like something is missing. The trailer wasn't tense enough for me. Those initiation scenes in the book - like having to jump off the wall - were so tense. I was most looking forward to those moments in the movie and without any build up, just a jump in the trailer, I just didn't feel it. I'm hoping the full version will be a different story.

    I got very emotional watching the Hunger Games trailer the first time. "I volunteer as tribute!" Who cares if that little sister crap was a gimmick. Gimmick me up, folks. I didn't have any moments watching the Divergent trailer. Well, other than the moments with Four... but those aren't the moments I'm getting at here. Here is the trailer if you missed it:

  3. Speaking of Hunger Games, did you see where Entertainment Weekly asked the Hunger Games cast to name their favorite YA books? Of course we could count on Jennifer Lawrence to love Harry Potter. Peeta... Peeta loves Catcher in the Rye. That's just another reason to be team Gale.

  4. The USPS is going to start delivering packages on Sunday. I'm all confused why people think this is a bad thing so I'm just going to let you read about it here at NPR and here at NYTimes.

  5. I'm on the hunt for some great book related podcasts. Do you have any favorites?

  6. A gigantic Harry Potter group read starts next week on Goodreads. I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep up the very aggressive one a week schedule, but I'm going to try. I'm planning to revisit these books on audio because I love Jim Dale's recordings of HP, and I don't think I've even heard the last two on audio yet. I tried to listen to The Night Circus on audio this past year and Jim Dale's voice kept making me think everything was happening at Hogwarts. I may be ruined for other Jim Dale recordings.

  7. I'm hoping to have my internet (and my cable TV!) hooked up this afternoon. No more tethering to my cell phone. I will make up for my lack of blogging/participating SOON!

  8. Thanksgiving planning is in full force. My niece has requested pumpkin pie this year so I am in need of a great pumpkin pie recipe. The only recipe I have ever used is from the back of the Libby's can. It's actually not a bad recipe, but I'm not an expert in pumpkin pies.

    OK, you know what - I just stole that picture from Libby's website, and it is totally making me want to stick to the Libby's recipe.

  9. A lot of the stores are starting their Black Friday sales on Thanksgiving day this year. That's pretty crazy stuff. I feel bad for retail employees having to work through Thanksgiving dinner. I, on the other hand, am one of those frugally coupon people and this whole Black Friday on Thursday thing is luring me out of my nest.  I usually stay away from the Black Friday crowd, but Mama needs all the things. What are your thoughts on Black Friday shopping? Do you partake? I usually only do my Black Friday shopping online.


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  1. I have always wanted to do a HP read along, but I just got two books from the library that I want to read also.
    I actually hated Catcher in the Rye, so I agree. And Gale is hot.
    Black Friday- i try not to eave my house on that day at all, though I have parked myself in front of the computer for a few hours the past few years and ordered online. I am always so tired dorm hosting the day before. This year however, I have already ordered ALL of inlays' presents, and they will be departing with them on Thanksgiving night- no shipping!

    1. Nice! I'm a terrible procrastinator so that sounds far too amazing.

  2. There were several people that mentioned Anna Dressed in Blood as Halloween must reads. It definitely piqued my interest. Can't wait to read your review.
    I'd love to do a Harry Potter re-read, but seriously who has the time with all the other great books out there waiting to be read?

    1. I have the time!! OK, I probably don't actually have the time, but I've read HP a bajillion times and I plan to do it again next week. :)

  3. I found this and really want to try it this year.

    1. I've been wanting to do a pumpkin cheesecake, too, but she wants a regular pumpkin pie. That looks sooo delicious. I thought you weren't cooking this year!! ;)

  4. I loved Anna Dressed in Blood and it's making me want to read more horror. I've already decided that Divergent isn't going to be as good/emotional as Hunger Games was for me. That's too bad and I'm hoping I'm wrong. The Harry Potter read along is something I'd like to participate but there's no way I could keep up with that schedule. I always use the Libby pie recipe too but I have my own crust recipe that I swear by. It's ridiculously easy and so good so I keep using it. I never get involved with Black Friday. It all overwhelms me. Plus, one year I worked it as shoes salesperson at Dillards- it was horrible! Picture shoes, shoe boxes, and tissue paper flying everywhere! People where literally pulling boxes off the shelf and tossing them to the ground if they decided it wasn't the right thing. The stampede at the beginning of my shift scared the crap out of me!

    1. THAT's the Black Friday I do not enjoy. I have a lot of respect for folks in retail especially this time of year. Yikes.

  5. A Harry Potter read-along sounds good but I don't think I could do one a week, too many other things going on- I need a slower one. :) I do need to read those though so I'm tempted.

    We don't usually go out too much on Black Friday... depends on the year and what we're after. Usually still too stuffed to get up that early. :) I think its terrible stores are opening on Thanksgiving day, if I was one of their employees I'd be so pissed.

    1. I know - it's a crazy schedule. I can't imagine everyone participating will be able to keep up with that. Thankfully I've read them all so I can do the audio without fear of missing anything if I'm busy.

      I would be so pissed if I worked retail, too. It's all for the mighty dollar. But here I am getting lured into the stores so I'm certainly not helping the problem.

  6. Anna Dressed in Blood for insomniac reading? Oh, not a good idea...but you got to take what you can, right? ;) The Thanksgiving shopping taking over black Friday actually annoys me. I hope the stores at least have the decency to break up their employee's shifts so they're not working all day!

  7. I'm so disappointed by the stores opening on Thanksgiving. It makes me not want to shop at them at all and take my money to stores who respect their employees.

  8. I loved Anna Dressed in Blood. Do you read YA at all? I can't recall. I saw the Divergent trailer, but it didn't really grab my attention. I haven't read the book yet either.

  9. I have been wanting to reread HP! It's been a while. I don't think I could participate in a group read this time of year though. :(

    I was also disappointed in the Divergent trailer, but I have high hopes for the movie too.

    Hmm. Thanksgiving day shopping. I never go Black Friday shopping, and I don't really agree with the shopping on Thanksgiving, for a few reasons. I do my shopping all online too, mainly. :)


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