Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Anthology Month | October 2013

Up until the last few years I was a huge anthology reader. Long time followers may know I love short fiction, but I haven't had much opportunity to express that here on Book Den. Back in the day - the day being when horror fiction was widely published and available in mass market format - I was never at a loss for a great adult horror novel. What got me really excited, though, were anthologies like these:

Over the years, many factors have changed the face of horror including the move toward digital publishing. Suddenly short fiction is in abundance, and I'm left wondering where all of the novel length horror is hiding. The digital publishing age has greatly expanded my access to small press horror, and I find I'm reading a lot more short horror fiction than full length novels these days. As a result, the amount of anthologies I read has greatly declined.

October is my favorite month of the year, and each year when October rolls around I still get a strong desire to curl up with a great anthology and lose myself in a variety of stories. I've decided to make October anthology month each year here on Book Den. For one, I want to keep my passion for anthologies alive. I also want to celebrate everything I love about collections of short fiction.

This year is going to be pretty low key. I have a lot lined up this month that is not anthology related, but I plan to take some time throughout the month to brainstorm for next year. If you have any ideas or would like to get involved this month or in the future, please don't hesitate to let me know!

Are you a reader of short fiction? Do you enjoy a great anthology or are you a full length novel reader only? I'd love to hear some of your favorite anthologies! (They do not have to be horror related.) Let me hear from you in the comments.


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  1. I do love a great anthology! I've been reading some single author collections of late as well (I have John Ajvide Lindqvist's up next). Last year's St. Martins release of A BOOK OF HORRORS is still a stand out for me. I've been looking up more work from some of my favorite contributors in that one.

    1. A Book of Horrors is EXACTLY the kind of anthology I go crazy over. Thank you, Becky!! :)

  2. I love occasionally reading anthologies but short stories don't really do it for me. Plus I find them infinitely harder to write a review for so I tend to avoid them these days. There are a few that really catch my eye though that I need to get around to making time for. :)

    1. You are right, Bonnie. They are definitely difficult to review!

  3. The best anthology I've read recently was At the mouth of the river of bees by Kij Johnson, which I was recommended by Ana of thingsmeanalot. It's really, really great (more fantasy than horror, though, even if some stories skirt the line).

    1. I'm not familiar with Kij Johnson, but that sounds fantastic, Renay. Thank you! I know this post sounds very horror focused. That's my genre of choice so I tend to flock to the horror anthologies, but I love reading fantasy as well. I'm definitely going to seek out At the Mouth of the River of Bees.

  4. I LOVE anthologies! I don't know why, but this year I haven't gotten to many. I have many on my reading list, but sadly will probably only get to 1 or 2 before the year is out. I love the idea of an Anthology month though.

    Tanya Patrice

    1. Thanks, Tanya. I'm going to try to do this each year in October.


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