Monday, August 5, 2013

August 5 | Currently Reading

Happy August everyone! This summer is FLYING by!

I posted my review for The Rithmatist by Brandon Sanderson last week. It's an exciting start to a series I'm very excited about.

I finished reading The Crown by Nancy Bilyeau. It was very good. My review will be hard to write for that one. I think that's the only book I finished last week.

I'm still listening to and enjoying Hounded. I also started reading Red Hill by Jamie McGuire. I expected a lot more romance in that one - not sad at all that it's mostly zombilicious so far. I also started listening to The House of Secrets by Chris Columbus.

Gah - I tried to listen to the audiobook of Red Moon by Benjamin Percy this past weekend - the narrator was horrible. I got 4 minutes and 47 seconds in before I returned it to the library. I have a print copy of Red Moon so I will absolutely be reading that copy instead!

Let me know what you are reading in the comments or leave me a link!

This post is being shared as part of Book Journey's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


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  1. So glad you liked THE CROWN. Between that and GRRM's DANCE WITH DRAGONS (finished yesterday), I'm definitely in the mood for more historical intrigue. Might move onto some Philippa Gregory very soon :)

  2. Red Moon was pretty good but ti was crazy long. Looking forward to hearing what you think of it! I'm intrigued by Red Hill now... more zombies and not as much romance? That's good. Romance + Zombies = No. lol That's a strange combination.

  3. I have not read any of these books before, but they do look pretty awesome :D I hope you are enjoying them all. <3
    Thank you for commenting on my blog. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  4. nice to hear I'm not the only one for whom the summer is flying by! last I checked it was late June, i have no idea where July went.

    How are you liking Hounded? Everyone says that series is great, I should really give it a try sometime.

    I'm nearly done with Abaddon's Gate by James Corey, and this morning I started an e-ARC of The Incrementalists by Steven Brust and Skyler White. And proceeded to get absolutely nothing done today, because I couldn't put the e-reader down!

    1. I'm enjoying Hounded. I put it on hold because too many things were distracting me. There's a lot going on, but it's a really fun book.


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