Monday, July 29, 2013

July 29 | Currently Reading

I'm so happy to have my reading mojo back. I normally read much less in the summertime so I'm happy to be in a groove right now.

Last week I posted reviews for Joyland by Stephen King and Horns by Joe Hill. Hmm. I didn't even notice what I did there until just now.

I listened to The Rithmatist by Brandon Sanderson on audio. I seriously loved that book. I will have a review out for that this week.

I started reading The Crown by Nancy Bilyeau which is really great so far. I'm also still reading Life Among the Savages by Shirley Jackson. I just downloaded the audio for Hounded by Kevin Hearne from my library so I'll be listening to that this week as well.

I hope everyone is having a really great summer. Let me know what you are reading in the comments or leave me a link!

This post is being shared as part of Book Journey's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


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  1. I'm glad you enjoyed the King book. I might pick it up sometime..I realize he released it in paperback not kindle, to help out the indie bookstores, which is a good thing. I tried beginning of Horns, not for me. I'm not sure if I will like any Joe Hill, I didn't finish Heart-Shaped Box either. Did you read his newest yet? Name escapes me atm, but title is his license plate number. Enjoy your week!

    1. Hi Rita, yes! NOS4A2 is awesome. I highly recommend it.

  2. Can't wait to see what you think about THE CROWN. I'm totally ready to dive into Philippa Gregory's Cousins War now, hopefully before the show starts, but not until I finish DANCE WITH DRAGONS. I've got a free week in my reading schedule and am taking full advantage!

  3. Oooh I've been saving The Crown for when I'm in a historical fiction kinda mood. It sounds fantastic! Really love Kevin Hearne's series... which reminds me I have some catching up to do in it. :) Hope you love your reads!

  4. The Crown sounds great, I was not familiar w/ that one. The excerpt at Amazon definetly looks interesting. Thanks!

  5. Life Among the Savages looks like a fun read. Anything that involves lots of kids and lots of books has to be enjoyable!

  6. ENJOY your week....I haven't heard of these books.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  7. The crown does sound good. I am not a horror fan or a Stephen King fan. I have tried a few and decided they are not for me. Come see my Monday wrap-up. Have a great reading week.

  8. Oh sweet, I'm starting The Crown later this week, so I'm glad you're impressed with it!

  9. Oh I really want to read The Rithmatist maybe I'll look for the audio! I'm reading my first book by Brandon now and only 40 pages in I'm already highly impressed!

  10. Yay for finding your reading mojo! And wowza - I'm loving the books you're reading - Stephen King and Joe Hill - yes, yes, yes :-)

    Tanya Patrice

  11. I read way less than normal in the summer too. It seems like there is always something going on. Happy you got your mojo back!


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