Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 2 | Currently Reading

How is it July already? Things have been crazy busy in the Book Den household this summer. I have a lot of catching up to do.

What I've Been Reading

I finally finished reading NOS4A2 by Joe Hill. I can't believe how long it took me to finish that book. It's a testament to how busy I have been because NOS4A2 was awesome. It was one of my most anticipated books of the year, but I underestimated just how awesome it was going to be. I couldn't help but make comparisons to Stephen King throughout the book. I'm so glad to know Joe Hill will be around if Stephen King ever decides to retire.

I just started reading Viral Nation (which was released today). I like it so far. I did a waiting on wednesday post about it awhile back. It's a dystopian virus story with an autistic girl and a dog. I'm certain dogs automatically make every book better.

Digg Reader

Were you a Google Reader user? If haven't fallen in love with a new reader like Feedly or BlogLovin', you should check out the new Digg Reader. It is definitely much closer to Google Reader than the other alternatives. You can even import your Google Reader feeds but only until July 15 so you need to be sure to check it out pretty quick.


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  1. NOS4A2 is one I've wanted to read just haven't had the chance to yet. Viral Nation was a bit of a disappointment for me but I hope you enjoy it.

    1. Kristin, I peeked at your review the other day because I was dying to know how much you liked it. :) I will go back and read it again after I finish the book.

  2. I've heard a lot of great things about NOS4A2 and my friend Kate LOVED IT but I think it might be a bit too much on the scary side for me.Just thinking about it kind of gives me the chills.

    1. There were definitely some scary things in NOS4A2. You wouldn't think Christmasland would be so scary! I need to go back and read Kate's review now that I'm done reading it. I know she was listening to it on audio.

  3. I hope you enjoy Viral Nation, I just posted my review for it and liked it a lot. I also just picked up NOS4A2 over the weekend and cracked it open, falling in love with it. Just need more time to read!

    1. Oh, awesome! I haven't seen your review yet. I will go check it out right now! I just know you are going to love NOS4A2!!

  4. I've heard great things and want to try NOS4A2 by Joe Hill. But I'd have to get around to it, and it isn't in my usual range of selection.


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