Friday, March 1, 2013

That's a Wrap | February Edition


I hope everyone had a wonderful February! My newborn has now started sleeping through the night so I feel like I'm starting to join the land of the living. Thank goodness because I only have one more week in my maternity leave then it's back to the grind.

I've been seeing more and more of these monthly wrap ups around the blogosphere, and I realized how much I love them because I can catch books or reviews I may have missed. I also think it is a good motivator to see everything spelled out. I'm truly amazed at how many books some bloggers can read in a month. As much as I would love to have an impressive wrap up post, that will never be me. But! I think it will be fun to share a monthly update just the same.

Books Read
linked to Amazon

Books Reviewed
linked to my review

The Chicken Thief by Beatrice Rodriguez
Eve Hallows and the Book of Shrieks by Robert Gray
14 by Peter Clines
Die Trying (Jack Reacher #2) by Lee Child

Books I Started Reading But Have Not Finished
linked to Amazon

I'm very pleased with my February reading. I try to maintain a goal of about a book a week and according to Goodreads I am 5 books ahead of schedule. I'll take it! One of those books is kind of cheating because Goodreads is counting The Chicken Thief, but the way I see it, that book owes me something.

2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
Jennifer | Book Den has read 13 books toward her goal of 50 books.

Happy March everyone!

Did you have a great reading month in February? What was your favorite read? Did any book disappoint you?


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  1. You may think Chicken Thief is cheating in the strictest sense but since Game of Thrones is one of your books I think you're ok! Those monsters should count as 2-3 books each :)

    1. Becky, I love you. You are absolutely right! 5 books ahead it is!

  2. I love monthly wrap-ups too :) I was disappointed with a couple of books this month. I hate to abandon a book but there are so many great ones out there that I don't want to waste time. On the whole I had a fantastic month :)

    Here's to March!

    1. I've gotten much better at abandoning books. Otherwise I get stuck in one awful one forever. Thank goodness I have blogging to snap me out of those times and get me moving on to something else.

  3. I will try to get my wrap up post this weekend. My February was not that productive hopefully March is better :)

    1. Girl, you are so busy all of the time I imagine you were just productive in 12 other things! I hope March is great for you.

  4. Man - why even start the Game of Thrones right now. DON"T YOU KNOW? the last three books that were released had a 5 year, 6 year and 5 year intermin between each book being published. Now do you REALLY? want to do that to yourself?? I still buy the books but I'm boycotting reading them til that bastard is done writing them. Strong words I know haha.

    I agree I love wrap ups - maybe we'll have to do one.
    Pabkins @ My Shelf Confessions

    1. Gah! No, I didn't know. That's like waiting on another Scott Smith book to be published - which is totally worth it - but Game of Thrones maybe not... I guess it's good I'm taking my time with Game of Thrones then! By the time I'm done reading them, they may all be out! Ha!

  5. I really enjoyed The Rook. I thought it was a fantastic fantasy book. Oooh, Game of Thrones is so long, I can see why you haven't finished yet. haha.

    It looks like a great month and glad to hear you are joining the land of the living again! :)

  6. The Chicken Thief owes you something...ha! My co-worker just bought some chicks b/c she is going to raise them for eggs. The stories she tells me are hysterical.


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