Monday, February 25, 2013

Currently Reading | Ex Heroes by Peter Clines

My Currently Reading posts are shared as part of Book Journey's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

Peter Cline - Ex Heroes Lauren Oliver - The SpindlersI had a great reading week last week! After finishing Lauren Oliver's The Spindlers, I read 14 by Peter Clines and Sever by Lauren DeStefano. The Spindlers and 14 were both really great reads. I'll be sure to put reviews up for those. I won't be reviewing Sever, though. The Chemical Garden series was not for me. I'm ready to let that one go.

Did you watch the Oscars last night? I say "last night", but I'm actually writing this post while watching them (Sunday night). If I'm not up too late tonight, I hope to start Ex Heroes. After reading 14 last week, I'm dying to see what Peter Clines does with zombies!

What are you reading this week? Be sure to let me know in the comments (or leave me a link!). Also let me know what you thought of the Oscars if you were watching!


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  1. Looks like a great week! Enjoy!! I did watch the Oscars and Argo was the one movie up for an award that I had watched. Want to watch Lincoln and Silver Linings Playbook.

    Didn't like the Oscar host....

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. I need to pick the Chemical Garden series back up, I really enjoyed the first one and haven't gone back to them, even though I've got the second one on my shelf!

  3. I suck I didn't watch the Oscars - nor do I really plan to haha. So does that mean you don't write a review if you don't like the book (based on you saying you weren't going to review Sever).
    Pabkins @ My Shelf Confessions


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