Monday, October 1, 2012

Currently Reading | Jenny Pox, A Casual Vacancy

I don't know what happened while reading The Raven Boys! It seemed like a story I would like, but I couldn't connect to it at all. I made it 136 pages before I decided to put it aside. Were you guys hooked by then? I decided to read my childhood favorite, A Wrinkle in Time, instead in honor of this week being Banned Books Week.

I also picked up J.K. Rowling's new book, A Casual Vacancy. That read isn't going very well, but I'm going to give it some more time. In the mean time, I am thoroughly enjoying J.L. Bryan's Jenny Pox. Have you read it? It reminds me of J.E. Medrick's Icarus Helix series. Fun times!

If I make it through J.K.'s new book, I'm going to finally pick up Ashen Winter.

Be sure to let me know what you're reading this week!

This post is being shared as part of Book Journey's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


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  1. I have both Raven Boys and Casual Vacancy on my TBR. I have to admit I am almost reluctant though to read Casual Vacancy. I am glad I am going to check these both out from the library, rather than buying them.

    Jenny Pox sounds really good though! I will have to check it out. :)

  2. I have Raven Boys on my list and planned on reading it soon.. too bad you didn't like it. I'd like to read Ashen Winter too!
    Here's what I'm reading

  3. I have Jenny Cox but haven't read it. I'm sorry to hear that The Raven Boys didn't do it for you. That one intrigues me.

  4. I can't even tell you how long Jenny Pox has been languishing on my Kindle... And now Casual Vacancy is there too, although I'm hoping to get to that soon!

  5. I want to read Casual Vacancy. I can't wait to see what you think of it.


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