Thursday, September 8, 2011

Blog Hops: Winning Villian

Today's Follow Friday question over at Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read is:

Have you ever wanted a villain to win at the end of a story? If so, which one?

There is an out of print book by Bentley Little called The Mailman that I just love.  If you ever see it in a used bookstore, grab it up!

It's a horror book where the new mailman in town is completely (and wonderfully) creepy.

Sometimes I can help but root for the totally creepy.  ;)


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  1. Oh, very interesting! Old follower, hopping through.

  2. Hahah this book just sounds nuts! I don't know if I could handle a creepy mailman.. that's just too realistic for me haha.

    My Follow Friday :)

  3. Sounds like an interesting book!

    New follower :D

  4. Hi there, new follower here from the hop - great answer! :)

    Have a great weekend and I love your blog!

    Here's mine:

  5. Awesome choice! I've read a couple books in the past where I totally wanted the villain to win. I LOVE it when an author can make me root for the bad guy!

  6. That book sounds pretty good! I love creep stories about small towns! Old follower, hopping through! Check out my answer:

    Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

  7. We LOVE creepy!! :)

    new follower.

    Here's our FF

  8. I've never read this but it sounds so good!!

    Awesome post, new follower:D

    My Post

  9. I'm not sure I want to read this book, lol. I do like creepy, though, so I'm sure I'd get a kick out of it. Ha!

  10. I haven't read too much horror, comes with being afraid of the dark I guess, and I'd hate to be afraid of the postman! He brings nice things in jiffy bags!

    New follower :)

    Once Upon A Time

  11. Thanks for visiting, I am following you back! :)

    Not a fan of horror, but you are the first person who has "properly" answered the question haha! That I know of, anyway.

  12. I've never heard of this one, but I'm definitely going to check it out now!

    Thanks for the follow, and I'm now following back :)

  13. This book sounds so creepy! I don't think I'd be able to read something so scary :)

    Thanks for stopping by this week!

  14. I don't know if I could root for creepy.

    Jenaissance. following you back!

  15. Sometimes I can root for the creepy guy if he's really clever and smart. Love to read a good horror book once in awhile.

  16. Ooh, I've never heard of that before but it seems like such an awesome book! Who doesn't love a creepy thriller every once in a while? I sure do! Although I don't usually do too good with horror. LOL.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Jennifer! I'm an old follower for sure! :)

    Hope you have an awesome weekend!

  17. Thanks for stopping by!

    I love the creepy too lol

    The Romanceaholic

  18. New follower here hopping through!

    I will definitely be on the lookout for The Mailman now.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  19. Thanks for stopping by and following Pawing Through Books! Have a great weekend!

  20. I'll have to pass this book on to my sister in law because she LOVES creepy and she likes to root for the bad guys! :)

    Old follower. Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday.

    Have a great weekend!

  21. Not to big on Horror. I used to be into it, or think I was but then the nightmares started and I realized it's not for me!

    Oh well, have a great weekend!

  22. I don't stomach horror stories too well... Which is probably why I never came in contact with a book where the antagonist is creepy to the point that he's likable. LOL =] Great post!

    New follower. Thanks for stopping by my blog! =]

  23. Haha ... what an unusual reason to root for the villain ;-)

  24. Nothing I love more then scouring charity shops for second hand books, so many gems! Thanks for the follow, following back!

  25. Good answer, but a lot of people haven't wanted to see the villain win. Thanks for an original answer!
    (Thanks for following, and I followed back!)

  26. Thanks for dropping by. Woah, just by seeing the title, it promises some creepiness alright. New follow.

  27. Thanks for hopping through my blog!

    It feels so good to find a kindred answer! Okay, mine were not out of a horror story, but that is because I am a bit of a craven and sometimes cannot sleep after too much horror ;)

    Ron @ Stories of my life

  28. Thanks for stopping by my blog and the follow.
    I was way too slow reading my comments.
    Following back,


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