Friday, September 2, 2011

Blog Hops: Alternate Ending

Today's Follow Friday question over at Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read is:

Q. If you could change the ending of any book (or series), which book would you choose? Why and to what?

First of all, if you are a fan of zombies, you really need to read The Rising. It's excellent.

The Rising is also the only book that I've thrown when I was done reading it. The ending was very abrupt and very unresolved, but it was the first book in the series and it was actually so good I still highly recommend it despite the ending!

Are you a zombie fan?

Book Blogger HopJennifer over at Crazy For Books asks:

“What are you most looking forward to this fall/autumn season – A particular book release? Halloween? The leaves changing color? Cooler temperatures? A vacation?

Autumn is my favorite time of the year - especially October.  I LOVE Halloween.  We also go to the Texas Renaissance Festival every year in October.  I even had my wedding on Halloween weekend so now I have my anniversary to celebrate, too.

I love when the weather starts to change and you can actually smell it in the air.  It's the single best signal of the awesome things to come.

Happy September!!


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  1. No, I unfortunately am not a fan. But I know what I'm doing if there is a zombie apocolypse.

    PS: I'm a new follower! Please don't be frightened to frivolously check out
    my Follow Me Friday post. Thanks!

  2. The smell of fan is special, we live in the woods and I love the morning smell of dew and leaves.

  3. I'm a new follower. Have a nice weekend. :)

  4. Hey there,
    I'm not a huge zombie fan (but that's probably b/c I haven't read that many books about them :)) I really loved Rot and Ruin, though, by Johnathan Mayberry. It was great, and he's got another one (Dust and Decay) coming out soon, so I think I'm gradually making my way into the zombie culture lol! Thanks for hopping by my blog, and I love the smell of autumn as well :)
    Ninja Girl

  5. Abrupt endings are the worst! Thanks for stopping by my blog. ^_^ Happy Follow Friday!

  6. Autumn is also my favorite time of the year! I'm ready for cool weather! New follower!

    My Follow Friday

  7. Happy Friday!, love the fall.

  8. I love October!!!! The weather, the smells, my anniversary and HALLOWEEN!

  9. Great time to get married, it would be hard for hubby to forget the anniversary! Have a great weekend.

  10. I love all kinds of paranormal, apart form zombies - they are too creepy. We don't celebrate Halloween, but I love autumn for its colours.

    Thanks for stopping by and following, I'm doing the same:)

    Have a great weekend!

  11. I'm not sure how I feel about zombies...I actually haven't read any books involving them. I think I've seen Resident Evil too many times and out of all the scaries they are the scariest to me! All that brain eating and not feeling pain.

    Thanks for stopping by. I am following you in return. Have a great weekend.

  12. Hopping through. How cool that your wedding was Halloween weekend! Did you do anything Halloween related for it?
    My Hop

  13. I love zombies! I'll definitely check this one out!

  14. I love a good zombie story...emphasis on the good, though...A Forest of Hands & Teeth was excellent, with evil creepy zombies but enough smart stuff to balance it out. :)

    Unfortunately, I despise cliffhangers! Hmm. What a dilemma! :)

    Thanks for the FF visit! New follower.

  15. I'm trying to imagine a Texas Renaissance Fair...

    Doing my part to support book blogging Jennifers!

  16. Oooh, zombiesssss! :]

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a great week!

    Nora, The Bookery

  17. oh no, I'm not a zombie fan ;P I tried to read Warm Bodies, but I didn't finish it. Maybe zombies are not for me. hehe.

    My Friday Hops

  18. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm a new follower. I am a zombie fan, and I think I've read a book by Briane Keene before and liked it. I'll have to check this one out.

  19. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great weekend.

  20. Thanks for the follow! Following Back =D

    I haven't heard of The Rising, but i will definitely check into it since you talked so highly of it. If i end up picking it up ill let you know if i throw it =D

  21. Thank you for stopping by my blog! I'm a new follower. :)


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