Thursday, August 25, 2011

Blog Hops: Wishing for a Daemon

Today's Follow Friday question over at Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read is:

His Dark Materials Trilogy (The Golden Compass; The Subtle Knife; The Amber Spyglass)Q. In books like the Sookie Stackhouse (True Blood) series the paranormal creature in question "comes out of the closet" and makes itself known to the world. Which mythical creature do you wish would come out of the closet, for real?

I would LOVE to have a daemon like the His Dark Materials series by Philip Pullman. It would be pretty awesome. I can't help but wonder what mine would be!

Have you read the His Dark Materials series? What do you think your daemon would be?

Book Blogger HopJennifer over at Crazy For Books asks:

“Non-book-related this week!! Do you have pets?”

Do I ever! :) I have 7 cats and 2 dogs. Madison, Makaila, Maci, Cammie, Silas, Zeus, Mollie, Daisy, and Charlie.


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  1. I chose demons, too. Not exactly the same kind it seems...but still. :-)
    New follower here.
    Happy FF!

  2. Okay. Something different for a change. New follower. Come visit me over at Livre De Amour-Books of Love. Having a giveaway this month for reaching 500 followers.

  3. I really must try this series I think :D

    - Kylie @ The Talking Teacup

  4. New follower here. That is such an awesome answer I totally didn't think of that!!! I think If I had a daemon it would be.... Gosh I don't know what mine would be. Maybe it would be a howling turtle since that's the name of my blog lol.

  5. I didn't even think of a daemon! I'm so sad I didn't. I'd absolutely love to have one. Great answer! I want to go and change my answer now, lol.

  6. I would like a daemon, too! A big ape. Or a dog. A big dog!

  7. I thought of a daemon too! I think mine would be a dog. A great big mastiff or something.

    New follower! Check out what I ended up picking for my follow friday post.

    Lari @ Lari Is Writing

  8. ohh daemon! I wish I could have one. I would want him to be something really big, or a bird, but knowing me, I would probably get some kind of dog! No ideas what yours would be?

  9. I've got book one of His Dark Materials, but still need to pick it up and give it a read. Daemons do sound pretty interesting from what I gather, though! :)

    Have a great weekend!

  10. I love you guys so much. Jenni - I totally thought of you when I answered. :)

    Peter - I think I would be a dog, too!

  11. Oh, Lari and A Beautiful Madness would be dogs, too. We must be dog people!

  12. New follower here :) My daemon would be a monkey. For no particular reason, other than I like monkeys :P

  13. I haven't read it, but I have heard about it. That would be cool. Prowling Books In the Lair following you back! :)

  14. Great choice!! My daemon would be a chinchilla.... or maybe a jaguar..hmmm

  15. I've not read this series, but it sounds like so much fun!

    Thanks for stopping by mine :)

  16. Hopping through. You're the first daemon person of the posts I've read. What a great choice. Totally agree.
    My Hop

  17. ooo....I love the idea of having a daemon! I honestly think that mine would be a cat. :-D

    New follower hoppin through!

    Jessi @ Reading in the Corner

  18. That would be so fun! Great choice.

    Stopping by via Follow Friday. Have a wonderful weekend! I'm a follower.

    Holjo @ Pedantic Phooka

  19. I read the comment, I really did. Heck, I read PP. I still pictured a DEMON. And thought, hmm, well there's a daring person. Wishing the evil demons were hanging around. But alas, I my brain finally caught up. Yeah, yeah. It's late. Shhhh. It would be pretty cool having a little DAEMON. New follower here. Would love it if you popped by for a visit!


  20. Thanks for stopping my blog. Great answer.

    Danielle @Ramblings From This Chick

  21. Hi & Happy Friday!

    My FF,

    Have a great weekend.

  22. No clue what a daemon is put I'm sure it's awesome!

    Rie @ Mission to Read

  23. Hopping through. I haven't read it yet. Great answer. It's different. Mine is at

  24. Wow, you guys would have awesome daemons. I do highly recommend the His Dark Materials series to those of you who haven't read it yet.

  25. 9 furry pets! Wow, that seems like a lot.

    There used to be a "What is Your Daemon" quiz on the Golden Compass movie site, but I can't find it now. It was really beautiful, with lots of dark gold clockwork animation.

  26. Interesting choice =) Here's mine.

    Happy Friday!

  27. Thanks for stopping by! I really like your blog layout and design. I don't know how I would feel about demons roaming around...

    That is a lot of cats! They are cuddly though :)

    Erika @ Badass
    Badass Book Reviews

  28. Ooh, demons! I think that would actually be pretty cool -- I mean, they're dangerous, fun, and totally wicked! Everyone would have a case of paranoia with them roaming around, but at least there would never be a boring moment. ;)

    I haven't read those books before, but it seems like something I would! Maybe I'll pick them up!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Jennifer! I'm following you back for sure!

    Hope you have an awesome weekend! :)

  29. oh having a daemon would be super cool. i didn't read the book but i saw the movie!

    Trish - My Friday Memes 

  30. wild, seven cats and two dogs, do they always get alone? i use to have an cat but now i'm petting with well stop by

  31. WOW 7 cats! I don't think I can ever have a cat again (we don't get along - I know it's horrible)
    but I'm already following your blog so just stopped by today to say have a great weekend!


  32. happy friday! i follow your blog! :)

    stop by mine, I'm having a giveaway! and you can see my doggies too :)


  33. I have NO pets.

    Stop by my blog this weekend for book giveaways and 99 cent E-books.

    There will be two different posts from two different authors for the giveaways and E-books.


  34. Nice work on all the pets!  We're taking baby steps with a few fish... Pathetic, I know.

    Have a great weekend!

  35. Oooo, that's a good answer. =)

  36. Ohhh, great choice with the daemons! New follower!

    My FF

  37. Wow, Seven cats??? That's a lot! I love kitties! Happy Hopping!

  38. Okay, so I might have to read the book to get the reference, so I can't answer you're daemon question. I do like your section on movie adaptions though (big fan of The Hunger Games). Oh, and love the name Zeus for a pet.
    -Jenna (new follower)
    Here's my hop:

  39. I think I'm going to have to read that series now. Thanks for stopping by our hop!

  40. Hi there, thanks for taking the time out to visit my blog.
    Sorry it took so long to come and check out yours, but work weekend for me (would much rather have been reading haha)

    Off to check out some more of your posts.


  41. I haven't read the dark material books so I'm not sure, but it sounds cool. :)

    have a good weekend.

    New follower.

  42. I haven't read His Dark Material, but I've heard a lot about it. Nice to see a different answer! :-)


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