Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Review: Cheat (Icarus Helix #1) by J.E. Medrick

Cheat is the first novella in the Icarus Helix series by J.E. Medrick.

Book Description
How far would you go for money? For Marcus Tiller, gambling debt was an overwhelming shadow on his life. As a neonatal attendant at St. Mercy Four Cities Hospital in need of cash, he became CGT-Inc's ideal pawn. The contract: secretly inject newborns with an experimental compound - for $1,000 a head. But, three years after he began, he disappeared.

Now, 14 years later, the effects of the compound are starting to show. 17-year old Ian Reynolds, an aspiring varsity football player, suddenly finds he can control things with the power of his thoughts. Footballs miraculously end up in his hands, girls' skirts catch sudden drafts and life is good. But the gift comes with a price, both physical and mental.

As Ian tries to understand his power, the big rivalry against the Waredo Firehawks looms. But when a stranger who may know his secret begins leaving him cryptic notes, will Ian decide his power is best left... undiscovered?
I recently mentioned I won a copy of Cheat from The Man Eating Bookworm's site. I was super excited after hearing his great reviews of each release in the Icarus Helix series.

Cheat was a lot of fun and a great start to the series. The way I understand it, each story can be read out of order, but they all tie into each other with a main story arc. I will definitely catch up quickly on the next three books. I have a strong suspicion these will make it into my coveted Sunday night wind down reading time.

If you enjoy quick and entertaining reads of the young adult and extrasensory flavor, you should check out Cheat. ($0.99!) Check out The Man Eating Bookworm or stay tuned right here for more Icarus Helix reviews.


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  1. Hooray! I'm glad you liked it! Thank you very much for doing a review :)

    YA: Cheat, Liar, Coward, Thief
    Adult: Shackled


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