Book Description
JUST WHAT HAPPENED WHEN THE TIME MACHINE RETURNED? Having acquired a device for themselves, the brutish Morlocks return from the desolate far future to Victorian England to cause mayhem and disruption. But the mythical heroes of Old England have also returned, in the hour of the country's greatest need, to stand between England and her total destruction.
Morlock Night
Fans of steampunk and certainly fans of Infernal Devices are sure to enjoy Morlock Night. It's the original steampunk novel by the man who coined the genre and a classic that every steampunk fan should read.

What do you think of the covers on Morlock Night and Infernal Devices? Aren't they awesome? They are the kind of covers you want to sit with a while just so you can stare.
Book Review: Infernal Devices by K.W. Jeter
Review copy provided by publisher
Steampunk!!So interested in this genre and am glad to read your review on it! And your AWESOME.